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2016Development of competitiveness among young workers on the labour market: Sociological analysisЖарова Дарья Петровна; Zharova Daria
2018Employment expectations of bachelor programs graduates: A case study of the Faculty of Sociology at SPbUЛеонова Наталия Павловна; Leonova Nataliia
2021The specific character of the demand for professional competencies of a sociologist in the IT industryШакирова Маргарита Радиевна; Sakirova Margarita Radievna
2021Informal employment as a social phenomenon in modern Russia: a case study of freelancingМихайлова Мария Антоновна; Mihajlova Maria Antonovna
2021The public employment service as a social institution of economic stabilisationПогорелая Софья Сергеевна; Pogorelaa Sofa Sergeevna
2021The socio-economic functions of wagesКущ Юлия Константиновна; Kus Ulia Konstantinovna
2020Work experience as a factor in university graduates’ choice of employmentЛи Минфэн; Li Minfen
2020The socio-economic aspects of employing pre-retirement age people: the case of St. PetersburgШилов Лев Дмитриевич; Silov Lev Dmitrievic