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Результаты 1-10 из 74.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Motivation and stimulation of work: the case of Institute for Street Art ExplorationШушлебина Дарья Александровна; Suslebina Dara Aleksandrovna
2020The etiquette of management in Chinese organisations: traditions and practiceЮй Синь; Uj Sin
2020The effect of advertising on children and adolescents: its similarities and differencesСкотаренко Денис Дмитриевич; Skotarenko Denis Dmitrievic
2020Social networks as a tool for preventing juvenile delinquencyСтадников Александр Олегович; Stadnikov Aleksandr Olegovic
2020Value orientations of students in the information society: a comparative network analysis of students - sociologists, journalists and programmersМартыненко Лидия Витальевна; Martynenko Lidia Vitalevna
2020Managing corporate culture in a Сhinese companyСунь Гани; Sun Gani
2020The current status of women in Russian and Chinese families: a sociological analysisЖань Итун; Zan Itun
2020Gender socialisation of children in contemporary Russian society: the case of St. PetersburgКозий Мария Андреевна; Kozij Maria Andreevna
2020The political image of Russia in the minds of foreign youth: a study of the European Union member countriesЛеванина Мария Романовна; Levanina Maria Romanovna
2020The image of labor migrants in the public consciousness of youthФедоркова Анна Андреевна; Fedorkova Anna Andreevna