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Результаты 41-50 из 130.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016The mediation of Switzerland during the Cold WarХасанов Азат Раисович; Khasanov Azat
2016Impeachments and parliamentary culture in England of the first half of the 17th centuryЦветкова Элина Александровна; Tcvetkova Elina
2016The "Association of the Nevsky Thread Factory" as a source of the history of the 1917 revolutionСапронов Игорь Михайлович; Sapronov Igor
2016Railway construction in the Far East in 1891 - 1916. The construction of the Ussuri and Amur RailwaysСапаров Дмитрий Дмитриевич; Saparov Dmitrii
2016State antialcoholism policy and practice in Leningrad in the 1960sШустров Александр Александрович; Shustrov Aleksandr
2016Sources of party funds of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1905 - 1917Шорин Александр Сергеевич; Shorin Aleksandr
2017Benjamin Franklin and establishment of the American society as reflected by the Russian contemporariesПоздеева Мария Авксентьевна; Pozdeeva Mariia
2017The architect David Grimm and his schoolНеклюдова Елена Юрьевна; Nekliudova Elena
2017Decadence as a socio-cultural phenomenon of the 1920s in the USSRСтарун Мария Игоревна; Starun Mariia
2016The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union through the foreigner's eyesСун Инин; Song Yingying