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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018An adjacment to the oil and gas content assessment of the eastern part of Karabash zone in the West-Siberian oil and gas province based on the seismic survey and drillhole measurements comprehensive study dataОванесян Георгий Иванович; Ovanesian Georgii
reviewSV_otzyv_ruk1_CHzhun.jpg.jpg2018Chrysolite from deposits in different parts of the worldЧжун Фанюань; Zhong Fangyuan
2018Crimea southern coast medium-scale soil map updateРевина Янина Сергеевна; Revina Ianina
2018Soil sciences popularization at the modern stage of social developmentМусаев Тимур Курманалиевич; Musaev Timur
2018Chrystallochemical features of jewelry cordieriteКуанышев Атанияз; Kuanyshev Ataniyaz
2018Geophysical prospecting of pyrite copper-zinc ores of the Urals: A case study of "Utkinsky" area, Krasnouralsky district, Sverdlovsk regionДорохова Екатерина Витальевна; Dorokhova Ekaterina
2018Structure and history of geological development of the sedimentary cover in Prydz Bay, East AntarcticaБелохвостик Данил Михайлович; Belokhvostik Danil
2018The engineering geological assessment of the impoundment of a gold beneficiation plant joint-stock "Aldanzoloto", ore-mining companyНазукина Юлия Евгеньевна; Nazukina Iuliia
reviewSV_Muromceva_recenziya.JPG.jpg2018Сorundum and spinel Mogok (Myanmar)Муромцева Анна Валерьевна; Muromtseva Anna
2018Interaction between permafrost soils and engineering constructions in maajor river valleys of Yamal: A case study of the Yuribey riverИльинцова Валентина Петровна; Ilintsova Valentina
reviewSV_list12_Misharova_V_V__magistr-_pochvovedeniya.jpg.jpg2018The structural dynamic approach when classifying ecosystems of different drainage condition degree in the river Nyolyako-Sobetyakhatarka environsМишаров Владислав Викторович; Misharov Vladislav
2018The analysis of strength characteristics and deformation parameter of subsoil obtained by field and laboratory methods: A case study of St.Petersburg engineering geological recordПавлов Эмиль Игоревич; Pavlov Emil
2018Trias deposit oil and gas potential in the central part of West SpitsbergenОстапенко Дмитрий Вячеславович; Ostapenko Dmitrii
reviewSV_Recenziya_SHergina_E_2.jpg.jpg2018The physical and mechanical properties of sands in St.PetersburgШергина Евгения Андреевна; Shergina Evgenya
2018The analysis of natural elements influence on Lower Cambrian clay strength properties change in Leningrad regionСавина Ивилина Вячеславовна; Savina Ivilina
2018A cyclic dynamic force influence on subsoil strength properties when exploring the Baltic Sea water area in Kaliningrad regionСитникова Елизавета Алексеевна; Sitnikova Elizaveta
2018The reconstruction of Lower Permian terrigenous deposits distributive province of a Pay-Khoy and Ural suture zoneСавельев Георгий Владимирович; Savelev Georgii
reviewSV_Kazanceva_recenziya.jpg.jpg2018Tanzanian zoiziteКазанцева Мария Ивановна; Kazantseva Mariia
2018Features of PGE discovery forms in oxidation zone of sulphide veins in Nittis- Kumuzhia- Travyanaya massifЕременко Евгений Геннадьевич; Eremenko Evgenii
2018Geological structure of meso-Cenozoic sediments of Lake Baikal floor according to MRW-CDP and CSP dataЕгорова Наталия Владимировна; Egorova Nataliia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 88