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Результаты 1-10 из 41.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022India and China in international trade in servicesСюй Шухань; Suj Suhan
2022Digital transformation of the telecommunications industry: corporate strategies and regulatory policiesКоробейникова Диана Владимировна; Korobejnikova Diana Vladimirovna
2022Strategies for the digital transformation of organizations in the banking sectorМихайлова Софья Андреевна; Mihajlova Sofa Andreevna
2022Development of the product-as-a-service model in forming a circular economyВиноградова Валерия Викторовна; Vinogradova Valeria Viktorovna
2022Methods of securities portfolio management (case study of the Russian equity market)Вецак Максим Игоревич; Vecak Maksim Igorevic
2022Automotive markets in Russia and the CIS countries: transformation prospects in the context of the emergence of electric vehiclesСилкин Глеб Евгеньевич; Silkin Gleb Evgenevic
2022International aspects of e-commerce in Russia and China: challenges and perspectivesБондарчук Дарья Сергеевна; Bondarcuk Dara Sergeevna
2022Improvement of production asset maintenance processes in the steel industry through the implementation of a set of digital twinsКоролев Егор Владимирович; Korolev Egor Vladimirovic
2022Governmental support for the socio-economic development of depressed regionsАлассан Сесси Мубарак; Alassan Sessi Mubarak
2022Improving the efficiency of the organization through the formation and development of a diversification strategyСамохин Руслан Романович; Samohin Ruslan Romanovic