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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 109
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Preparation of nanocomposites based on exfoliated organic-inorganic derivatives of layered double hydroxides and layered perovskite-like oxidesМаценко Роман; Macenko Roman
2024Features of determining the content of mobile forms of elements in soils using the NPP-ISP methodТлеужанова Рабига; Tleuzanova Rabiga
2024Aqueous-salt solutions of polymerised imidazolium ionic liquid: structural behaviour and physicochemical propertiesЯрченко Полина Сергеевна; Arcenko Polina Sergeevna
2024An approach to microextraction preconcentration of ochratoxin A for its chromatographic determination in foodsФедорова Анастасия Викторовна; Fedorova Anastasia Viktorovna
2024Highly efficient photocatalysts based on SnO₂ nanoparticles with variable parameters for environmentally friendly utilisation of synthetic dye mixturesСкрипкин Евгений Васильевич; Skripkin Evgenij Vasilevic
2024Studying analytical signal formation on carbon electrodes modified with transition metal salts for the quantitative voltammetric determination of aspartate and glutamateАнтонов Никита Сергеевич; Antonov Nikita Sergeevic
2024Photophysical properties of theranostics hybrids based on gold nanoparticles and porphyrins: fluorescent response and singlet oxygen generationСмирнов Алексей Александрович; Smirnov Aleksej Aleksandrovic
2024Modeling the adsorption of contaminants by microplastics in aqueous solutionsДавыдов Никита Анатольевич; Davydov Nikita Anatolevic
2024Substituent effect on the luminescent properties of modified europium and terbium terephthalatesБадиков Александр Романович; Badikov Aleksandr Romanovic
2023Studying the possibilities of gold porous interdigitated electrodes as a sensor platform for oligonucleotide detectionПантин Андрей Владимирович; Pantin Andrej Vladimirovic
2023Biocompatible phosphorescent oxygen sensors based on iridium(III) complexes: synthesis and study of their propertiesМихневич Виталия Геннадьевна; Mihnevic Vitalia Gennadevna
2023Synthesis of nitrogen heterocycles using acetylene generated in a reaction vesselВалов Никита Романович; Valov Nikita Romanovic
2023Richter cyclization in the series of vic-alkynylated 3-aminopyridinesОгурцова Анна Дмитриевна; Ogurcova Anna Dmitrievna
2023Phosphine complexes of platinum(II) based on tridentate cyclometallating ligands of the N^N^C type: influence of the nature of ligands and a metal-metal bond formation on photophysical propertiesШилов Роман Алексеевич; Silov Roman Alekseevic
2023Polylithionaphthalenes: development of synthetic methods and study of their reactivityЯкубенко Артем Алексеевич; Akubenko Artem Alekseevic
2023Application of multilayer coatings based on gold nanoparticles and polymers for the electrophoretic separation of biologically active compoundsМоргачева Виолетта Павловна; Morgaceva Violetta Pavlovna
2018Halogen bonding in adducts of dialkylcyanamide platinum(II) complexes with tetrabromomethaneДобрянская Владислава Эдуардовна; Dabranskaya Uladzislava
2018Development and investigation of nanolayered solid electrolytesРазумцев Александр Алексеевич; Razumtcev Aleksandr
2018Quantum chemical simulation of solid solutions based on lanthanum gallate and lanthanum aluminateСапова Мария Дмитриевна; Sapova Mariia
2018Suzuki coupling reaction catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbene palladium(II) complexesУтина Анастасия Вадимовна; Utina Anastasiia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 109