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Результаты 61-70 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Image.jpg.jpg2021Research methods and restoration of paintings in the Mogao caves, DunhuangЦзинь Юйчэнь; Czin Ujcen
2021Developing the greenway landscape of the Yangshan River in the suburb of Jiulonghu, Ningbo, ChinaЛи Сянян; Li Sanan
2021Design concept of the graphics support system for the traditional "Lantern Festival" in the modern information spaceДин Жуйсюе; Din Zujsue
2021Conservation of underwater archaeology ceramic objects from the water area of the Gulf of Finland: a case study of objects raised from the ship "Archangel Raphael"Бегунова Анастасия Викторовна; Begunova Anastasia Viktorovna
PROEKT_afisa_rezisser_fokin.png.jpg2021Interactive design systems in the theatre space: principles and methods of developmentЮгай Екатерина Анатольевна; Ugaj Ekaterina Anatolevna
2021Conservation of the stone slab of the Okunev culture dated 3-2 millennium BC from the Itkol 2 burial groundАгеева Светлана Эдуардовна; Ageeva Svetlana Eduardovna
2021Identifying urban identity using environmental design tools: a case study of the town of Tarko-SaleЗаложук Мария Вадимовна; Zalozuk Maria Vadimovna
2021Techniques for upholstery of chairs and armchairs of the late XIX centuryБусыгина Галина Андреевна; Busygina Galina Andreevna
2021Developing the tourist landscape environment of the Dali Erhai Lake coastline, Yunnan, ChinaГо Цзе; Go Cze
2021Principles of the concept of 'Sponge City of Zhengzhou' in developing the 'Green Way' embankmentЧжан Чжаньюй; Czan Czanuj