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Results 1-10 of 191 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017"Culture and Art in a Classical University": Graphics support for a projectПавлова Олеся Игоревна; Pavlova Olesya
2017The role of a scientific and technical journal in the modern societyАль-Кхафаджи Худа Абдулелах Мохаммед; Al-Khafaji Huda Abdulelah Mohammed
2017Using the principles of micrographics in the development of the visual image of the Petrography Museum at St Petersburg State UniversityБу И; Bu Yi
2017The environment-forming potential of the Moscow-Beijing high-speed railwayПаморзина Наталья Валерьевна; Pamorzina Natalia
2017Micromosaics. The history of techniques. Problems of restoration and conservationШирокий Александр Сергеевич; Shirokii Aleksandr
2016Listed buildings of the early Middle Ages in Armenia. Protection and conservation issuesХачатрян Айкануш Шагеновна; Khachatryan Haykanush
2017Integrated infrastructure development of coastal areas as a factor of sustainable development in urban environmentЕмельянова Анна Андреевна; Emelianova Anna
2017The technique of subsequent restoration of monumental painting fragments on loess plasterКорниенко Дарья Игоревна; Kornienko Daria
2017Development of the Leningrad (St Petersburg) school of restoration: A case study of works in Tsarskoye Selo and at the Stroganov PalaceСоколова Вера Дмитриевна; Sokolova Vera
2017Communicative technologies of adaptation for people with autism: Development of an Internet resourceАртюшенко Екатерина Александровна; Artiushenko Ekaterina