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Результаты 181-190 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
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2024Cultural cluster on the territory of the former complex of warehouses of the joint-stock company "Enlightenment" of N.S.Tsetlin and A.MeierИгошева Елизавета Дмитриевна; Igoseva Elizaveta Dmitrievna
2024Methods for finishing picture frames in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: a case study of the restoration of a late 19th-century picture frameСерова Елизавета Олеговна; Serova Elizaveta Olegovna
2024Media approach as a methodology for designing an interactive museum space: a case study of the local history museum "Pomor House" in the town of KemЧернова Елизавета Андреевна; Cernova Elizaveta Andreevna
2024Regeneration of the historic block between Vvedenskaia Street, Markina Street and Kronverskii ProspectВеригина Мария Сергеевна; Verigina Maria Sergeevna
2024Regenerating a historic neighbourhood in a modern context: a case study of Pokrovsky Island in St.PetersburgСысолятина Алена Викторовна; Sysolatina Alena Viktorovna
2024Developing the concept for the multimedia research project "Malevich's Creativity"Стенина Мария Станиславовна; Stenina Maria Stanislavovna
2024Fabergé Dacha: developing an inter-university campus of Higher Creative SchoolsСеменова Анна Сергеевна; Semenova Anna Sergeevna
2024A graphic study of order and chaos through an author's printed editionПищева Мария Александровна; Piseva Maria Aleksandrovna
2024Developing a graphic concept for animated illustrations for the fairy tale Green Field. Path of FairiesЦуй Вэньюй; Cuj Venuj
2024Principles of graphics support for the Tourism Forum lecture programmeЧжан Кай; Czan Kaj