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Результаты 161-170 из 191.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Restoring the patina on the monuments to Peter the Great (the Bronze Horseman), Nicholas I, the Horse Tamers of the Anichkov Bridge: methodological issues in patina formationЗлотникова Виктория Михайловна; Zlotnikova Viktoria Mihajlovna
2024Constructing the reading experience through directorial practice: a multi-part series on reading experiencesМарьева Анастасия Сергеевна; Mareva Anastasia Sergeevna
2024Methods for conserving paintings on zinc supportsОбожанова Алена Александровна; Obozanova Alena Aleksandrovna
2024Artifact as a tool for creating a cognitive situation: a case study the Artifactual Framework projectКаблова Ангелина Павловна; Kablova Angelina Pavlovna
2024New graphic systems in modern interiorsМартынова Марта Сергеевна; Martynova Marta Sergeevna
2024Developing the recreational environment of the coastal area of Fengzhou IslandЧэнь Луин; Cen Luin
2024Developing graphics support for Kirov Central Park of Culture and RecreationСюй Жуймэн; Suj Zujmen
2024Methods and materials used in the restoration of Qing Dynasty Chinese furnitureБай Юйтин; Baj Ujtin
2024Integrated graphics support for the activities of the Centre for the Study, Preservation, Restoration and Update of Cultural Heritage Objects at St.Petersburg UniversityЯо Юнсинь; Ao Unsin
2024Graphic and multimedia concept of the exhibition "Snow Crystals" for the World Ocean Museum-Reserve in KaliningradШи Вэньчжэн; Si Venczen