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Результаты 16075 по 16094 из 44727 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018M&A as Strategic Response to Oil Price ShockПолитова Марина Игоревна; Politova Marina
2023M&A deals and investments in the global fashion market: legal analysis and current perspectivesМеньшикова Полина Михайловна; Mensikova Polina Mihajlovna
2021M&A deals in pharmaceutical industry: key characteristics and market performanceКозьмина Ксения Константиновна; Kozmina Ksenia Konstantinovna
2016M&A deals performance and corporate governance: Empirical studyРустанович Евгения Игоревна; Rustanovich Evgeniia
2018M&A Deals’ Characteristics and After-Merger Bidder Financial Performance: the Case of UK IT IndustryИльясов Эмиль Ильясович; Ilyasov Emil
июн-2016M&A Synergies in Domestic M&A Deals in Russia in 2006–2014Rodionov, Ivan I.; Mikhalchuk, Vitaly B.
2021M&A Transactions’ Performance of Companies Conducted IPOПлохов Степан Андреевич; Plohov Stepan Andreevic
2010M-government for education: Assessing students’ preferences for mobile campus servicesIshmatova, Diana; Fedotov, Yuri V.
мар-2018M. D. Bonch-Bruevich — One of the Founders of the Red Army: Pages of a BiographyKaminskiy, V. V.; Veremenko, V. A.
сен-2017M. F. Shcherbakova. “Revolution in Petrograd” (Memories of Events in February — March, 1917)Vostrikov, A. V.; Strakhova, Ya. A.
2019M. Petrosyan "The Gray House"Гражданкина Наталья Игоревна; Grazdankina Natala Igorevna
2022M.Nesterov's work in 1917 - 1941: between the "World Revolution" and "Russophil propaganda"Баронова Анастасия Сергеевна; Baronova Anastasia Sergeevna
2020Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro: the issue of national policies and the prospects of EU integrationСимонов Александар; Simonov Aleksandar
2021Machine learning algorithms for 3D object reconstruction problemГладышев Тимофей Юрьевич; Gladysev Timofej Urevic
дек-2021Machine learning and artificial intelligence in the works of V. A.YakubovichFradkov, Aleksandr L.
2017Machine learning based analysis of object oriented codeКузьмина Илия Викторовна; Kuzmina Iliia
2024Machine learning for high-DOF motion planningУсков Евгений Викторович; Uskov Evgenij Viktorovic
2017Machine learning methods application for real estate price prediction in the Russian marketРау Владислава Леонидовна; Rau Vladislava
2024Machine Learning methods for Path PlanningПермяков Марк Владиславович; Permakov Mark Vladislavovic
2019Machine learning methods in the problem of image recognitionЗенков Дмитрий Антонович; Zenkov Dmitrij Antonovic