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Результаты 6784 по 6803 из 44728 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
июн-2019The development of Russian Medicine in the Petrine era and the role of Dutch doctors in this processHendriks, Inge F.; Bovill, James G.; Zhuravlev, Dmitrii A.; Gaivoronskii, Ivan V.; Boer, Fredrik; Hogendoorn, Pancras C. W.
2021Development of salary systemsКутушева Аделина Айдаровна; Kutuseva Adelina Ajdarovna
2020Development of sales strategy for the company Jack BarbershopСаруханов Данил Георгиевич; Saruhanov Danil Georgievic
reviewSV_dluciv-timofeev-bach-vkr-review-2016-05-23.jpg.jpg2016Development of scalable high-availability data management platformТимофеев Богдан Михайлович; Timofeev Bogdan
reviewSV_Gonta_K_A__rec.jpg.jpg2017Development of scalable infrastructure for groups of iOS applicationsГонта Ксения Алексеевна; Gonta Ksenia
2023The development of scenarios for the integration of intracity railway infrastructure into existing public transport systems in large cities of RussiaУсс Валентин Викторович; Uss Valentin Viktorovic
2016The development of school reconciliation servicesЦегельник Мария Анатольевна; Tsegelnik Maria
2016Development of search engine for Medline database with ranking of search results from perspective of evidence-based medicine and Grade criteriaКамалов Михаил Валерьевич; Kamalov Mikhail
2018The development of secondary school learners speaking skills by applying creative digital toolsАбрамова Мария Николаевна; Abramova Mariia
2020Development of semantic query language for big data analysisАвдеев Иван Владимирович; Avdeev Ivan Vladimirovic
2023Development of service for working with porto- layersМилосердова Любовь Михайловна; Miloserdova Lubov Mihajlovna
2017The development of Sino-Russian relations during the Ukrainian crisisЧичикина Алина Николаевна; Chichikina Alina
2024Development of small business with the help of state regulation and support tools in the countries of the European UnionСедлецкая Ксения Андреевна; Sedleckaa Ksenia Andreevna
2022Development of SMM Program for Promotion of Pharmaceutical Brand "Triazavirin" on the Russian Market of Antiviral DrugsГойколова Анастасия; Gojkolova Anastasia
2021Development of SMM programm to promote "Имидж-школа Елены Анненковой" on the Russian market of education in the sphere of personal imageАнненкова Влада Вячеславовна; Annenkova Vlada Vaceslavovna
2016The development of social orientations through school reference groupsПанкратов Владислав Олегович; Pankratov Vladislav
2017Development of software "Financial Modelling": Financial asset analysisЛадина Татьяна Дмитриевна; Ladina Tatiana
2017Development of software "Financial Modelling": Investment analysisРазин Михаил Александрович; Razin Mikhail
2017Development of software for mining and analysing unstructured information by electronic trading auctionsВеревкина Елена Борисовна; Verevkina Elena
2016Development of software for social data analysisЛапицкая Людмила Юрьевна; Lapitskaia Liudmila