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Результаты 6761 по 6780 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The development of procedures for an assessment center: A case study of EmlakПолковников Кирилл Михайлович; Polkovnikov Kirill
2017Development of professional personality qualities of cadets and educational crisisШугина Ксения Викторовна; Shugina Kseniia
2020The development of public and private businesses in the Persian Gulf: the prospects for international cooperationПогорелова Анастасия Андреевна; Pogorelova Anastasia Andreevna
2018Development of public spaces in the structure of an innovative research cluster: A case study of the territory transformation of the grey belt of St PetersburgФомина Маргарита Владимировна; Fomina Margarita
2022Development of Pyragas and harmonic balance methods for the research of nonlocal bifurcationsМихайлова Екатерина Сергеевна; Mihajlova Ekaterina Sergeevna
2016Development of quadcopter emergency control algorithmsАлиев Айдын Эльдар оглы; Aliev Aydyn
2017Development of ranking model for hotel partners based on data collected from tender platformsСинякова Наталья Александровна; Siniakova Natalia
2016Development of rating system for CodeFights platformЕзус Альбина Николаевна; Ezus Albina
2016The development of recomendations of environmental managment tools implementation in pharmaceutical company BIOCADТитов Даниил Дмитриевич; Titov Daniil
reviewSV_CHernobaj_YU_V__mag_rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Development of recommendation system based on extraction and analysis of custom interestsЧернобай Юлия Владимировна; Chernobai Iuliia
2022Development of Recommendations for Improving the Learning Management System for the Online Educational Product "TOGAF-online" by Smart ArchitectsЧухланцева Елена Андреевна; Cuhlanceva Elena Andreevna
2016Development of recommendations for improving the State Real Estate Cadastre on the territory of St. PetersburgТрофимова Валерия Александровна; Trofimova Valeriia
2016Development of recommendations for legal regulation of activities in the Arctic in the context of corporate social responsibilityБыкова Дарья Дмитриевна; Bykova Daria
2017Development of recommendations to improve environmental responsibility of business based on the analysis of public administration system in the Russian FederationФеськов Александр Сергеевич; Feskov Aleksandr
2024Development of Recommendations to Promote the Inclusive Theatre Studio "ZdRASte"Савченко Анна Дмитриевна; Savcenko Anna Dmitrievna
2020The development of recreation in the specially protected natural areas of a metropolis: a case study of St PetersburgСавостина Екатерина Александровна; Savostina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
июн-2021Development of regional market of corporate voluntary health insurance: The case of St. PetersburgDrozdova, Natalia P.; Marycheva, Oksana A.; Sklyar, Tatiana M.
2019Development of regional tourist route to realise recreational potential of the Udmurt RepublicМельник Павел Андреевич; Melnik Pavel Andreevic
2020The development of relations between the Australian Union and the Republic of Korea: the history, current state and prospectsШикунова Анастасия Андреевна; Sikunova Anastasia Andreevna
2024Development of relations between West Germany and the USA in 1949-1966Ершов Андрей Ильич; Ersov Andrej Ilic