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Результаты 5325 по 5344 из 44709 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
мар-2018Criminal-procedural form or administrative regulations: Contemporary trendsGrigoryev, Victor N.
июн-2024Criminalistic classification of the means of high-tech crimesPolyakov, Vitaly V.
июн-2017Criminally-legal counteraction of Internet narcotizationBurlakov, Vladimir N.; Shchurova, Anna S.
мар-2023Criminological analysis of the identity of a fraudster in the field of misuse of electronic means of paymentTalan, Maria V.; Shavaleev, Bulat E.
2019Criminological characteristics and prevention of offences committed by womenХорошилова Анастасия Сергеевна; Horosilova Anastasia Sergeevna
2022Criminological characteristics of domestic violence against minors and measures to prevent itЁрохова Регина Зосимовна; Erohova Regina Zosimovna
2021Criminological characterization and prevention of female criminalityКовтун Анастасия Владимировна; Kovtun Anastasia Vladimirovna
2018Criminological issues of modern urbanisticsСкорниченко Ксения Александровна; Skornichenko Kseniya
сен-2022Crisis and palingenesis (rebirth) of criminal law in the context of digitalizationRusskevich, Evgeniy А.; Dmitrenko, Аndrey P.; Kadnikov, Nikolay G.
2018Crisis communications in a railway companyПетшик Дарья Аркадьевна; Petshik Daria
2017Crisis communications in pharmacyМойсеюк Полина Константиновна; Moiseyuk Polina
2018Crisis communications in tourismТарасова Алена Андреевна; Tarasova Alena
2017Crisis communications of gas and oil companiesВладимиркина Светлана Сергеевна; Vladimirkina Svetlana
2022The Crisis Effects on Costs of Doing Business of Foreign Subsidiaries in RussiaСорокина Екатерина Евгеньевна; Sorokina Ekaterina Evgenevna
июн-2021Crisis formation in Russia’s relations with the European Union and the Western community: Prospects for changesIzotov, Alexander V.
дек-2020Crisis in Relations between Russia and Ukraine and its Impact on Cross-Border CooperationKolosov, Vladimir A.
2017The crisis in Russia–Turkey relations and its impact on tourismНагриманова Лилия Фиделевна; Nagrimanova Liliya
2010Crisis influence on the strategies of Russian MNC'sLaptev, Jury V.
2021Crisis Management Strategies of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Saint-Petersburg Region CaseТитова Анна Михайловна; Titova Anna Mihajlovna
2022The crisis of Chinese enterprises and its implications for the international image of the state (on the example of telecommunications companies)Ван Шибо; Van Sibo