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Результаты 5212 по 5231 из 44727 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Creating dynamic electronic maps of the disturbed lands using remote sensing dataБакулев Александр Сергеевич; Bakulev Aleksandr Sergeevic
2022Creating electronic cartographic model series for Recreational zones of the Stavropol regionГрицюк Алексей Александрович; Gricuk Aleksej Aleksandrovic
2022Creating electronic map series of urbanised territories using remote sensing data: a case study of the countries of the Asia-Pacific regionГневашев Федор Александрович; Gnevasev Fedor Aleksandrovic
2017Creating information system for risk management of enterpriseЕвтушенко Владислав Валерьевич; Evtushenko Vladislav
2021Creating infrastructure for remote debugging in GraalVM applicationБощенко Алина Вячеславовна; Bosenko Alina Vaceslavovna
2016Creating models and animation for an animated film "The Nutcracker"Шершнева Виктория Александровна; Shershneva Viktoriia
2017Creating objects of arts and crafts using 3D modelling and 3D printing technologiesАфонина Анна Андреевна; Afonina Anna
2018Creating Oneirografic Reality in Contemporary Curatorial PracticeЦаревская Елена Валерьевна; Tsarevskaia Elena
2016Creating political agenda in modern mediasphere: A case study of Russia and Brazil in 2010-2014Филиппова Виктория Александровна
2016Creating regression testing system for RuC translatorОвсянникова Василиса Павловна; Ovsiannikova Vasilisa
2014Creating Shared Value by International Soft Drink Companies in RussiaKyzlasova, Karina
2013Creating Shared Value in Global Transportation and Logistics CompaniesVazhnenko, Natalia A.; Важненко, Н. А.
2013Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Human Resource Management Practices: Competence-Based ApproachLisina, Polina O.; Лисина, П. О.
2013Creating Sustainable Value in International Oil and Gas CompaniesKolesnikova, Ekaterina; Колесникова, Е.
2021Creating the algorithm for generating checklists for conducting environmental audits of objects with a negative impact on the environment of various categories and industriesФатыхова Раушания Рамилевна; Fatyhova Rausania Ramilevna
2023Creating the front end of a web-based application for an automated system for analysing and recording the register of cultural and sports facilitiesМихеева Диана Сергеевна; Miheeva Diana Sergeevna
2022Creating the geographic information system of Historical and cultural monuments of the North-Western Federal DistrictБеркутова Анна Дмитриевна; Berkutova Anna Dmitrievna
2021Creating the geographic information system Roads of the North Caucasus Federal districtХарькина Ирина Александровна; Harkina Irina Aleksandrovna
2016Creating three-dimensional graphics for an animated film "Nail"Гомжина Татьяна Андреевна; Gomzhina Tatiana
2018Creation and characterization of CHO cell-line clones with alphoid human artificial chromosome containing coagulation factor VIII geneВоропаев Иван Николаевич; Voropaev Ivan