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Результаты 3712 по 3731 из 44696 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Communication support of jewellery brands in the Russian marketГаврилюк Татьяна Григорьевна; Gavriluk Tatyana
2018Communication support of large sports facilities constructionИванова Анна Владимировна; Ivanova Anna
2016Communication support of Russian agricultural producers in contemporary conditionsТанасиенко Екатерина Дмитриевна; Tanasienko Ekaterina
2021Communication technologies for managing remote employeesАкопян Анна Вартановна; Akopan Anna Vartanovna
2018Communication technologies in advertising agencies promotionГоворухина Алиса Олеговна; Govorukhina Alisa
2017Communication technologies in the promotion of a hockey club: A case study of the SKA Ice Hockey Club, St.PetersburgБородуля Виктор Сергеевич; Borodulya Viktor
2017Communication technologies in the promotion of multi media projects: A case study of the Lumiere Hall projection museumБурова Дарья Владимировна; Burova Daria
2018Communication technologies of banks with children and young audiencesЖданова Анастасия Борисовна; Zhdanova Anastasiya
2017Communication technologies of fighting extremism and terrorism in the Russian FederationДоме Анастасия Александровна; Dome Anastasiia
2017Communication technologies of political demobilisationТюпина Мария Эдуардовна; Tiupina Mariia
2017Communication technologies of the brand development of the Evgenii Vakhtangov State Academic TheatreКолтыкова Анастасия Артуровна; Koltykova Anastasiia
2018Communication technologies of the performing arts promotion among youthПриходько Александра Игоревна; Prikhodko Aleksandra
2022Communication tools in postmedia environment. Printed edition "Unreadable Book"Фу Юйдуань; Fu Ujduan
сен-2018Communications in the Novgorod Region during the Crisis Period of the Time of TroublesSelin, Adrian A.
2017Communications management in the European migration crisis: Strategies and control mechanismsХандошко Юлия Юрьевна; Khandoshko Iuliia
2017Communications of Adolescents with Different Degree of CreativityХудякова Ксения Васильевна; Khudiakova Kseniia
июн-2018Communicative aggressions of the 21st century: Definition and analysis of the prerequisitesSidorov, Viktor A.
2024Communicative and pragmatic features of game discourse modeling (using the example of the computer game Atomic Heart translations)Шушурихина Анастасия Сергеевна; Susurihina Anastasia Sergeevna
дек-2023Communicative and pragmatic originality, and linguistic and stylistic resources of the television educational program (on the example of the project “Transfer of knowledge”)Nesterovа, Natalia G.
дек-2022Communicative behavior of a professional language personality of a doctor in a media discourse (based on the material of television programs about health)Volkova, Evgeniya V.