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Результаты 13820 по 13839 из 44696 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021International legal regulation of natural gas supplies from the Russian Federation to the People's Republic of ChinaДин И; Din I
2023International Legal Regulation of Space Resource Activities: Current Status and Future ProspectsЗавертяева Наталья Александровна; Zavertaeva Natala Aleksandrovna
2016International legal regulation of the protection of older personsШамрин Леонид Денисович; Shamrin Leonid
2019The international legal status of federal entities as illustrated by the USA, Canada and the Russian FederationФарактинова Екатерина Николаевна; Faraktinova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
2017The international legal status of the Caspian seaЮсупов Бахрам; Yusupov Bahram
2015International Logistics Risk Assessment: Case of The Republic of Dagestan.Gabibova, Madina S.; Габибова, М. С.
мар-2018International M&A Strategies: The Research in the Context of Emerging MarketsErmolaeva, Liubov A.; Panibratov, Andrei Yu.
2021International market entry strategy for educational drone kit Pioneer Mini by GeoscanКоролева Полина Александровна; Koroleva Polina Aleksandrovna
2017International marketing in the B2B sector: International experience and Russian practiceМироева Мария Гурамиевна; Miroeva Maria
2023International marriages in public opinion in Russia and ChinaГайнетдинова Александра Камиловна; Gajnetdinova Aleksandra Kamilovna
2018International mergers and acquisitionsПанина Анастасия Сергеевна; Panina Anastasiia
сен-2016International Multidisciplinary workshop on the Transnational Green Belt Areas: History, Tourism, Land use and Environment in the Finnish-Russian-Norwegian Border Regions-
2023International Multimodal Transport of Goods: Problems of International Legal RegulationШабанов Павел Александрович; Sabanov Pavel Aleksandrovic
2018International music contest in the host country's image building: A case study of Eurovision 2017Орлов Никита Сергеевич; Arlou Mikita
2017International non-governmental organizations and their role in the US public diplomacyСинюк Екатерина Сергеевна; Siniuk Ekaterina
reviewSV_Kosovoj_A_YU__mag_rec_2.jpg.jpg2017International Policies of Canadian Provinces in the 21st centuryКосова Алина Юрьевна; Kosova Alina
2023International Political and Legal Aspects of France and Germany Interaction in the European Union under Current CircumstancesИсаева Виктория Владимировна; Isaeva Viktoria Vladimirovna
2023International Political Marketing in Social Media: Theoretical and Applied AspectsЛяшкевич Мария Васильевна; Laskevic Maria Vasilevna
2024International politics in the focus of the US presidential election of 2024: the role of social media and media platformsБадретдинов Владимир Викторович; Badretdinov Vladimir Viktorovic
дек-2020International problem of climate change in the context of the human right to a favorable environmentErmolina, Marina A.; Kryukova, Anna V.