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Результаты 11013 по 11032 из 44699 < назад   дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
сен-2016Geographic variation in the characteristics of Rana temporaria metamorphsLyapkov, Sergey M.
2020The geographic variation of spruce population in the North-West of the European part of RussiaНалетов Павел Анатольевич; Naletov Pavel Anatolevic
reviewSV_Gajsina_I_O__rec.jpg.jpg2017The geographical aspect of Iran investment relationsГайсина Ирина Олеговна; Gaisina Irina
2023The geographical aspects of the fiscal-budgetary inequality of St Petersburg municipalitiesРудаков Никита Константинович; Rudakov Nikita Konstantinovic
2017Geographical features of using underground space in citiesСавченко Олег Витальевич; Savchenko Oleg
сен-2021Geographical lexicon of the konovalovsky dialect of the Erzya-Mordovian languageBelenov, Nikolai V.
2021The geographical structure of local self-governance in Russia as a factor in social and economic developmentГолубев Дмитрий Валерьевич; Golubev Dmitrij Valerevic
2020The geography of international activities of European and Asian football clubsТуркин Владислав Александрович; Turkin Vladislav Aleksandrovic
2023The geography of migration processes in Germany in the 21st centuryБереснев Лев Александрович; Beresnev Lev Aleksandrovic
2022Geography of regional civil aviation in RussiaЛундин Владислав Сергеевич; Lundin Vladislav Sergeevic
19-мая-2016Geography of science and innovation activities in the Russian Federation regionsSavilov, Ivan D
2016Geography of scientific-innovative activity in Russian regionsСавилов Иван Дмитриевич; Savilov Ivan
2023The geography of the activity of transnational corporations in the Caribbean region in the 21st centuryАльтман Лев Леонидович; Altman Lev Leonidovic
2016The "Geography" of international information in Russian and American mass mediaШелепова Яна Сергеевна; Shelepova Yana
2024The geoinformation analysis and mapping of early Neolithic monuments in Eastern EuropeФризен Анна Викторовна; Frizen Anna Viktorovna
сен-2022Geoinformation analysis with the construction of a neural network model for predicting location of archaeological monuments in the landscapes of South-Eastern Altai.Glebova, Anastasia B.; Sergeev, Igor S.; Bykov, Nikolay I.
2019Geoinformation modelling of road infrastructure objects based on laser scanning dataБагишян Артур Гегамович; Bagisan Artur Gegamovic
reviewSV_otzyv_Topazh.jpg.jpg2018Geoinformation support development to locate search zones of diamond deposits and determine the diamond potential of fieldsШпилевая Елена Михайловна; Shpilevaya Elena
2018Geoinformation support for the creation of a unified cartographic basis of the real estate cadastre using modern spatial database management systems in the framework of the National Technological Initiative projectНиколенко Светлана Владимировна; Nikolenko Svetlana
2017Geoinformation technologies in the study of cartographic images of the 19th centuryДоценко Виктория Юрьевна; Dotcenko Viktoriia