Просмотр собрания по группе - Тема obesity

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Результаты 11 по 21 из 21 < назад 
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The deficiency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and its correlation with the hormonal and metabolic status of patientsНуруллаев Иззет Зека оглы; Nurullaev Izzet Zeka ogly
2016Effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies in obese womenДегтева Анастасия Евгеньевна; Degteva Anastasiia
дек-2017Etiopathogenetic mechanisms of development of inflammatory periodontal diseases in patients with obesityErmolaeva, Lyudmila A.; Sevbitov, Andrey V.; Penkovoi, Evgeny A.; Shishkin, Alexander N.; Sheveleva, Natalia A.; Sheveleva, Marina A.; Sokolovich, Natalia A.; Mikhaylova, Ekaterina S.; Khabarova, Olga V.
2022A gender assessment of leptin level in patients with overweight and metabolic disordersХуссейн Юсиф Халид Хуссейн; Hussejn Usif Halid Hussejn
2020The influence of thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke complex treatmentГудкова Наталья; Gudkova Natala
дек-2018Laboratory predictors of the non-alcoholic fatty liver in the persons with abdominal obesityKornoukhova, Lyubov A.; Denisov, Nicholay L.; Emanuel, Vladimir L.
reviewSV_recenzia_Vasileva.JPG.jpg2019Oral mucosa status in overweight patientsВасильева Елена Сергеевна; Vasileva Elena Sergeevna
2017Psychosocial, metabolic and endorine aspects of childhood obesityАртамонова Ирина Никитична; Artamonova Irina
дек-2018Role of gene polymorphism of the renin-angiotensin system components in development of cardiovascular diseases, excess body weight and obesity in inhabitants of the Adyghea RepublicMuzhenya, Dmitriy V.; Tuguz, Aminat R.; Lysenkov, Sergey P.; Takushinov, Rustem A.; Ozheva, Raziet Sh.
2017Self-attitude and subjective representations about a partner in women with obesity diagnosisМакарова Мария Эдуардовна; Makarova Mariia
2019Thyroid function in pubertal hypothalamic syndromeКрук Лидия Павловна; Kruk Lidia Pavlovna