Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Zelenkovskij Pavel Sergeevic

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Результаты 1 по 16 из 16
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021The assessment of heavy metal bioaccumulation by some hydrobionts as a basis for environmental status monitor of a water body: a case study of the lakes in the Smolenks Lakeland national parkЕвенкова Татьяна Дмитриевна; Evenkova Tatana Dmitrievna
2023The assessment of pollution by heavy metals of Lake Suuri bottom sediments (Leningrad region)Питлев Роман Андреевич; Pitlev Roman Andreevic
2021The assessment of technogenic salinisation during the development of the Kuchuk lake salt depositКрыжановская Алина Эдуардовна; Kryzanovskaa Alina Eduardovna
2023The assessment of the impact of the Great Sevastopol Trail on the ecological state of the components of the Cape Aya reserve natural environmentКрывошапченко Екатерина Вадимовна; Kryvosapcenko Ekaterina Vadimovna
2023The assessment of the state of the natural environment components in the area of the main ecological trails of the Yalta mountain and forest reserveБессонова Анна Михайловна; Bessonova Anna Mihajlovna
2023The distribution patterns of oil products in the soils of some oilfield facilities in the Republic of Crimea (Cape Kazantip, Lake Tobechik)Алексеева Ирина Евгеньевна; Alekseeva Irina Evgenevna
2021The ecogeohemical assessment of the state of water bodies in the Kaluga region: a case study of the Luzha, the Shan and the Sukhodrev riversПопутникова Виктория Александровна; Poputnikova Viktoria Aleksandrovna
2021The ecological and economic assessment of the prospects for exploitation of technogenic deposits: a case study of a mining waste dump in PitkyarantaБондаренко Валерия Викторовна; Bondarenko Valeria Viktorovna
2020The ecological and geochemical assessment of the environment components of some water bodies in MurmanskТерещенко Наталия Викторовна; Teresenko Natalia Viktorovna
2020The ecological and geochemical assessment of the Lake Dgo water area condition and the adjacent grounds of the Smolensk Lakeland national parkТиличко Даниил Юрьевич; Tilicko Daniil Urevic
2023The ecological and geochemical assessment of the state of bottom sediments in the system of lakes Ozeryavka of the National Park SebezhskyБогданов Тимофей Валерьевич; Bogdanov Timofej Valerevic
2020The ecological and geochemical features of Ladoga Lake bottom sedimentsЗарипова Ксения Маратовна; Zaripova Ksenia Maratovna
2020The ecological and geochemical features of the soils on the Tolbachinsky Dol plateauБилая Наталья Андреевна; Bilaa Natala Andreevna
2021The ecological assessment of environmental components on Elagin island for organising ecological trailsСангинова Ирина Михайловна; Sanginova Irina Mihajlovna
2022Estimating mercury distribution over Lake Loshamye bottom sediments (Smolenskoye Poozerye National Park)Павлова Екатерина Сергеевна; Pavlova Ekaterina Sergeevna
2020The hydromineral resources of the CrimeaМатюнина Виктория Андреевна; Matunina Viktoria Andreevna