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Результаты 1 по 20 из 25  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020Business Model Transformation of Full-Service Airlines: Ancillary OpportunityЛедовская Ангелина Юрьевна; Ledovskaa Angelina Urevna
2021The choice of a supplier of lighting and sound equipment for organization of mass entertainment events "LV Party"Альтова Варвара Павловна; Altova Varvara Pavlovna
2023Development of Cargo Delivery Logistics for Company XМалеев Тимофей Сергеевич; Maleev Timofej Sergeevic
2024Development of the Route Network of Aviastar-TU Airlines in the Context of SanctionsХатуницкий Егор Сергеевич; Hatunickij Egor Sergeevic
2021Digital Transformation Factors in Russian Subsidiaries of Multinational CompaniesТерентьев Даниил Александрович; Terentev Daniil Aleksandrovic
2024Enhancement of the LNG Fuel Distribution System of LLC "Gazprom Gas-Engine Fuel"Глухова Марина Геннадьевна; Gluhova Marina Gennadevna
2021Factors Affecting Digital Transformation of Manufacturing CompaniesКозлова Мария Александровна; Kozlova Maria Aleksandrovna
2024Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Decision on the Russian E-commerce Market: The Case of Household GoodsБаджадж Анита Самировна; Badzadz Anita Samirovna
2024The Impact of Digitalization on the Performance of Petrochemical CompaniesФилимонова Элина Сергеевна; Filimonova Elina Sergeevna
2021Improvement of the organization of production of the "Gorod-Med" company using the Lean manufacturing toolsЗаболотная Елизавета Артемовна; Zabolotnaa Elizaveta Artemovna
2023Improvement of Warehouse and Transport Business Processes of Logistics in "AsstrA" CompanyЗюряев Андрей Александрович; Zuraev Andrej Aleksandrovic
2021Improving the delivery process of the online delivery service XЛевчик Глеб Евгеньевич; Levcik Gleb Evgenevic
2021Improving the distribution system of a companyВенедиктова Екатерина Николаевна; Venediktova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
2024Improving the Inventory Management System of Company XМуллагалиева Амина Зиннуровна; Mullagalieva Amina Zinnurovna
2024Improving the Transport and Logistics System at KRAAB SystemsЗваричук Екатерина; Zvaricuk Ekaterina
2020Improving X company inventory managementБабаш Дарья Романовна; Babas Dara Romanovna
2020Increasing the efficiency of the use of fuel trucks at "Gazprom Neft"Михайлов Владислав Игоревич; Mihajlov Vladislav Igorevic
2022The Influence of Internet of Things on Customer Experience in RetailСеменов Иван Владимирович; Semenov Ivan Vladimirovic
2021Measuring performance of Russian higher education institutions using the university generations theoryБикинёв Станислав Витальевич; Bikinev Stanislav Vitalevic
2023Methods for Improving Supply Chain Resilience in Airport Operating CompaniesБашкатова Владлена Дмитриевна; Baskatova Vladlena Dmitrievna