Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Svarc Mihail Zinovevic

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Certain issues concerning the subject matter of judicial workВанчиков Сергей Александрович; Vancikov Sergej Aleksandrovic
2023Challenging public tenders in enforcement proceedingsШалак Дарья Геннадьевна; Salak Dara Gennadevna
2019Contractual regulation of proof in civil proceedingsТрофимова Екатерина Кирилловна; Trofimova Ekaterina Kirillovna
2019Controversial issues of tax obligation fulfilment by tax payers and tax agents in connection with bankrupcy casesПолярус Сергей Аркадьевич; Polarus Sergej Arkadevic
2023Court hearing of disputes concerning claims by minors for improper exercise of parental duties (Article 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation)Бадаева Марита Ильдаровна; Badaeva Marita Ildarovna
2021The debtor's objection to granting jurisdictional protection to the creditor, a case study of the guarantor's right provided for in paragraph 2 of article 364 of the Civil Code of the Russian FederationДружков Никита Алексеевич; Druzkov Nikita Alekseevic
2023Evidential value of procedural behaviorРипак Юрий Юрьевич; Ripak Urij Urevic
2019Exclusion of illegally obtained evidence in civil proceedings (grounds and criteria)Иноземцева Анна Вячеславовна; Inozemceva Anna Vaceslavovna
2021Impossibility of the performance of judgementРамазанова Самира Рамазановна; Ramazanova Samira Ramazanovna
2023Legal issues of disputes over the division of matrimonial propertyЩербаченко Анастасия Сергеевна; Serbacenko Anastasia Sergeevna
2023The Material Meaning of Procedural ConductЛисавин Павел Александрович; Lisavin Pavel Aleksandrovic
2021Netting (substantive content and procedural implementation)Анпилогов Никита Михайлович; Anpilogov Nikita Mihajlovic
2022Notary civil liabilityАлтухова Ариана Арнольдовна; Altuhova Ariana Arnoldovna
2023Peculiarities of civil law disputes in real estate turnoverГерасимчук Анжелика Владимировна; Gerasimcuk Anzelika Vladimirovna
2021Presumption of reliability of an evaluation report (theoretical and enforcement aspect)Парфенов Роман Викторович; Parfenov Roman Viktorovic
2021Problems of proof in disputes over determining the selling price of property in the case of entrepreneurs exercising their pre-emptive right to purchase leased propertyЧистяков Денис Александрович; Cistakov Denis Aleksandrovic
2023Procedural aspects of civil disputes over compensation for damages caused by a crimeСайковский Сергей Александрович; Sajkovskij Sergej Aleksandrovic
2023Procedural aspects of the implementation of good faith in tax lawВарламова Вероника Александровна; Varlamova Veronika Aleksandrovna
2023Proceedings in appeals against non-normative acts of the competition authorityПодгорный Анатолий Анатольевич; Podgornyj Anatolij Anatolevic
2023The ratio of competitive and out-of-competition challenging of transactionsДимитрова Софья Дмитриевна; Dimitrova Sofa Dmitrievna