Browsing by Author Sidorina Inessa Evgenevna

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The compilation of interactive maps of the Leningrad region for primary schoolНехаева Виктория Олеговна; Nehaeva Viktoria Olegovna
2022The data management and geographic information support of the Arctic aquatic ecosystem studyЧепарский Геннадий Алексеевич; Ceparskij Gennadij Alekseevic
2021Data management and mapping using geographic information systems to support ethnographic researchРакова Арина Ивановна; Rakova Arina Ivanovna
2023The development of the geographic information system to support ethnographic studies in the Leningrad regionРакова Арина Ивановна; Rakova Arina Ivanovna
2019The development of the internet resource "Arctic aquatic ecosystem adaptation to climate change and anthropogenic impact"Табидзе Ксения Ираклиевна; Tabidze Ksenia Iraklievna
2023A geomarketing study of localisation of new retail outlets operating in different sectors in St Petersburg using geographic information systemsТетерин Алексей Константинович; Teterin Aleksej Konstantinovic
2021GIS based and cartography support of ethnographic studies in the Leningrad regionГаллямова Виктория Эдуардовна; Gallamova Viktoria Eduardovna
2021GIS-based mapping methods applied to the demographic processes in the Leningrad Region studyМорозова Дарья Евгеньевна; Morozova Dara Evgenevna
2023The hydrology of the Lakes in the Antarctic Oases: editorial and publishing preparation of the electronic atlasПопова Мария Витальевна; Popova Maria Vitalevna
2022Mapping based on geographic information system and applied to ethnographic studies in the Leningrad RegionТренева Мария Геннадьевна; Treneva Maria Gennadevna
2021Mapping extraterrestrial objects using modern GIS: a case study of minor celestial bodiesЗайцева Екатерина Николаевна; Zajceva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
2023Mapping small celestial bodies in geographic information systems using cylindrical projection of a triaxial ellipsoidДзениш Денис Игоревич; Dzenis Denis Igorevic
2021Photo-interpretation of the glacier surface using UAV data in the Larsemann Hills oasisВоробьев Вадим Анатольевич; Vorobev Vadim Anatolevic
reviewSV_OtzyvUbovic.jpg.jpg2020The problem solution of GIS-based mapping using a hydrological geospatial databaseУбович Станка; Ubovic Stanka
2023A study of thermokarst lakes of the Yamal Peninsula by geoinformatics methods and Earth remote sensing dataМиронов Максим Сергеевич; Mironov Maksim Sergeevic
2022Studying modern geoimagery perception: a case study of the Leningrad region electronic atlas for childrenПлужников Владислав Дмитриевич; Pluznikov Vladislav Dmitrievic
2022The use of modern cartography technologies in cadastre. Mass cadastral valuation. Producing a map in the Panorama GISЛогинов Арсений Вячеславович; Loginov Arsenij Vaceslavovic
2021Using GIS-based study and remote sensing data in archaeological research in Southern SiberiaБулашевич Ирина Кирилловна; Bulasevic Irina Kirillovna