Browsing by Author Ovsanko Dmitrij Vladimirovic

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Analyzing the environmental performance of business units to create Green supply chainГозман Марк Константинович; Gozman Mark Konstantinovic
2023Development of Cargo Delivery Logistics for Company XМалеев Тимофей Сергеевич; Maleev Timofej Sergeevic
2022Development of Inventory Management Recommendations for a Small Business in Interacting with MarketplacesЛевит Михаил Петрович; Levit Mihail Petrovic
2021Development of warehousing activities in order to provide materials for Etalon company group construction sitesРыбнов Алексей Евгеньевич; Rybnov Aleksej Evgenevic
2020Digitalization of logistics company: implementation of digital technologies in warehouses of logistics operator X.Новиков Владислав Сергеевич; Novikov Vladislav Sergeevic
2021Improvement of electronic interaction between members of external economic activity and state monitoring bodies (on the initiative of The Association of Importers of Horticultural Products)Василенко Елизавета Викторовна; Vasilenko Elizaveta Viktorovna
2022The Improvement of Organisation of Perishable Products International Transportation: Company X Case StudyОвчинникова Алиса Владимировна; Ovcinnikova Alisa Vladimirovna
2022Improving Procurement Processes for the Restaurant Business in the Environment of Intense External ChangesКекуа Виктория Николаевна; Kekua Viktoria Nikolaevna
2021Improving the delivery process of the online delivery service XЛевчик Глеб Евгеньевич; Levcik Gleb Evgenevic
2022Improving the Interaction Between PJSC TransContainer and the Company's CustomersСохацкий Александр Витальевич; Sohackij Aleksandr Vitalevic
2020Improving the system of delivery of goods in the company ООО "Snabstroy"Касаткина Любовь Сергеевна; Kasatkina Lubov Sergeevna
2022Increasing the Capacity of the Cash Service System Taking into Account a Consumer Behavior Factor: a Case Study of IKEAСмирнова Анастасия Эдуардовна; Smirnova Anastasia Eduardovna
2022Increasing the Uniformity of Passenger Flow in the Airport Terminal on the Example of PulkovoМазанова Анна Павловна; Mazanova Anna Pavlovna
2021Logistic strategy for securing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized retail companies in e-commerceХайруллин Камиль Наильевич; Hajrullin Kamil Nailevic
2023The Main Directions of Business Development of LLC «Region 42» in Brief-Medium TermПриходько Иван Александрович; Prihodko Ivan Aleksandrovic
2020Transformation of the business processes of warehouse management of the company XНиконоров Александр Алексеевич; Nikonorov Aleksandr Alekseevic