Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Koskin Pavel Gennadevic

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The Black Lives Matter Movement as a Phenomenon of Social and Political Life in the USA in 2013-2021Храмов Илья Юрьевич; Hramov Ila Urevic
2023China's Economic Diplomacy as a Source of Tension in Contemporary US-China RelationsНазаров Александр Евгеньевич; Nazarov Aleksandr Evgenevic
2022Domestic policy factors in the US foreign policy under the Donald Trump administrationСадыков Денислам Ильшатович; Sadykov Denislam Ilsatovic
2019The evolution of ASEAN countries' positions towards Russia after 2014Некрасова Кира Андреевна; Nekrasova Kira Andreevna
2019Gender factor in the modern U.S. policyБелик Карина Константиновна; Belik Karina Konstantinovna
2024Hydrogen energy sector of the PRC and its international prospectsСуслова Ирина Вадимовна; Suslova Irina Vadimovna
2019The image of China in the American cultureМихайлова Татьяна Александровна; Mihajlova Tatana Aleksandrovna
2023Russia as a Factor of the US Political Discourse. 2014- presentСамоделова Алина Андреевна; Samodelova Alina Andreevna
2024Sino-Philippines relations in the 21st centuryКузнецова Юлия Антоновна; Kuznecova Ulia Antonovna
2022US diplomatic mission in Moscow during the Cold war: structure, functions and impact on the development of Soviet-American relationsКурлаева Александра Олеговна; Kurlaeva Aleksandra Olegovna
2022The US Indo-Pacific security strategy in the 21st centuryМаркова Юлия Игоревна; Markova Ulia Igorevna