Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Koseleva Sofa Vladimirovna

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Результаты 1 по 18 из 18
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2023Adaptation of Employees in the Conditions of RelocationНиколаев Кирилл; Nikolaev Kirill
2022Determining Employee Engagement Antecedents in the Company XМочалин Денис Дмитриевич; Mocalin Denis Dmitrievic
2023Employee Engagement in Manufacturing Companies: Specific Features and Ways to Improve itАрхипова Анна; Arhipova Anna
2023Employee Engagement in Modern Socio-Economic Conditions on the Example of Consulting CompaniesГимадова Амина Алмазовна; Gimadova Amina Almazovna
2023Employee Satisfaction with the Well-Being Program Implemented in the Company Association VASTБухарова Маргарита; Buharova Margarita
2021Executive coaching as a factor of their long-term and sustainable developmentСалтанова Елизавета Юрьевна; Saltanova Elizaveta Urevna
2021Gender inequality in HRM sphere: international and Russian experienceРогожников Иван Владимирович; Rogoznikov Ivan Vladimirovic
2021Human Resources Management in peasant farms: management practices and labor behaviour of personnelБурцева Дарья Игоревна; Burceva Dara Igorevna
2022The Impact of Family and Work Role Interaction on the Subjective Well-Being of Female Employees with ChildrenХваткова Мария Ильинична; Hvatkova Maria Ilinicna
2020The implementation of coaching as a method of staff management and development in companies operating in the territory of the Russian FederationКарпова Юлия; Karpova Ulia
2020Improvement of the functional interaction between employees of different age groups in the company "Elite"Морозова Александра Михайловна; Morozova Aleksandra Mihajlovna
2020The place of HRM in family business: the case of Japanese innovative companyБыхова Милена Викторовна; Byhova Milena Viktorovna
2022Prevention and Overcoming of Burnout Syndrome in Representatives of the Professions "Person-to-Person" on the Example of a Medical OrganizationСтахурская Дарья Вячеславовна; Stahurskaa Dara Vaceslavovna
2021Prevention of professional burnout among employees of consulting companiesБрехова Диана Алексеевна; Brehova Diana Alekseevna
2022The Role of Well-Being in Creating a Favorable Organizational Climate in Russian CompaniesКузенкова Александра Петровна; Kuzenkova Aleksandra Petrovna
2020Role of work systems in legitimating organisational decisions about Human ResourcesБордунос Александра Константиновна; Bordunos Aleksandra Konstantinovna
2023Statistical Discrimination as a Factor in the Formation of Human Capital of Organizations in Modern Socio-Economic ConditionsИсакова Камила; Isakova Kamila
2020Tools for effective human resource management in startup companiesБурцева Владислава Владимировна; Burceva Vladislava Vladimirovna