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Результаты 1 по 14 из 14
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Brahma.FSharp as a tool for GPGPU-based generic linear algebra algorithms developmentПанфилёнок Дмитрий Викторович; Panfilenok Dmitrij Viktorovic
2020Complexity of transforming LL(k)-linear and LL(k)-linear conjunctive grammars to LL(1)-linearОльховский Илья Сергеевич; Olhovskij Ila Sergeevic
2021Context-free path querying via tensor product for graph database on GPGPUОрачев Егор Станиславович; Oracev Egor Stanislavovic
2024Development of a toolkit to train artificial neural networks to select an optimal path for symbolic executionНигматулин Максим Владиславович; Nigmatulin Maksim Vladislavovic
2022Empirical study of sparse data processing using distillation and specialized hardwareТюрин Алексей Валерьевич; Turin Aleksej Valerevic
2023Experimental investigation of context-free-language reachability algorithms as applied to static code analysisКутуев Владимир Александрович; Kutuev Vladimir Aleksandrovic
2023Fine-grained reductions around CFL-reachabilityИстомина Александра Андреевна; Istomina Aleksandra Andreevna
2023Generalized sparse linear algebra library with vendor-agnostic GPUs accelerationОрачев Егор Станиславович; Oracev Egor Stanislavovic
2023Implementation and experimental investigation of the GLL parser based on a recursive automatonАбзалов Вадим Игоревич; Abzalov Vadim Igorevic
2022Implementation of distiller for model language in HaskellВинник Екатерина Петровна; Vinnik Ekaterina Petrovna
2021Optimisation of a pathfinding algorithm with context-free constraints based on Kronecker productЭпельбаум Илья Владимирович; Epelbaum Ila Vladimirovic
2024Optimisation of the context-free language reachability matrix-based algorithmМуравьев Илья Владимирович; Muravev Ila Vladimirovic
2023Probabilistic input-driven pushdown automataРозе Алексей Николаевич; Roze Aleksej Nikolaevic
2024Sparse linear algebra operation library using Brahma.FSharpГарбар Кирилл Анатольевич; Garbar Kirill Anatolevic