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Результаты 1 по 20 из 23  дальше >
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023AI Technological Startups: Activity Tendencies and Barriers ResearchЧебышев Иван Алексеевич; Cebysev Ivan Alekseevic
2021Analysis of knowledge management systems in non-profit organisations in Saint PetersburgМаньшин Александр Сергеевич; Mansin Aleksandr Sergeevic
2023Analysis of the Influence of Customer Reviews on the Decision to Purchase GoodsКузьмина Раиса Сергеевна; Kuzmina Raisa Sergeevna
2020Creating a knowledge map for business analysis department of "Smart Architects" companyРябченко Алиса Андреевна; Rabcenko Alisa Andreevna
2022Creation of a Database of Experts for LLC Gazpromneft STC Based on the Analysis of Data on the Activities of UniversitiesСайранова Анастасия Федоровна; Sajranova Anastasia Fedorovna
2021Designing a knowledge management system for the onboarding of new employees of the company Labitec Development, LLCБучковски Яна; Buckovski Ana
2021Designing ontology for the development of knowledge system in Gazprom NeftТевелева Диана Дмитриевна; Teveleva Diana Dmitrievna
2021Developing a digital marketing strategy for DIY Tools companyБашкирова Марина Дмитриевна; Baskirova Marina Dmitrievna
2023Development of a Digital Marketing Strategy for the Company "RUSSIAN ATV PLASTUN" LLCБалушкин Антон Анатольевич; Baluskin Anton Anatolevic
2022The Development of a Project for Training Paramedical Staff of a Dental Clinic Using Immersive Technologies in the Dental Management Company LLCАнтонова Диана Петровна; Antonova Diana Petrovna
2023Development of GPS Monitoring Business Growth Strategy Based on the Automation of Business ProcessesЗайруллина Элина; Zajrullina Elina
2020Development of knowledge management system architecture for a private dental clinicСамохина Юлия Анатольевна; Samohina Ulia Anatolevna
2021Factors of students involvement in educational process during online classesФиалковский Данил Романович; Fialkovskij Danil Romanovic
2023Implementation of NFT for the Company "Kicksmania" as a Confirmation of the Authenticity of the ProductВасин Антон Павлович; Vasin Anton Pavlovic
2023Increasing the Accuracy of Aviation Metrics Forecasting Using Machine Learning Models to Reduce the Operating Costs of Northern Capital Gateway LLCЕсаулова Наталья Андреевна; Esaulova Natala Andreevna
2021MiBA product strategy developmentАнтушева Мария Сергеевна; Antuseva Maria Sergeevna
2022The NFT Arts Ecosystem: Currencies, Wallets and PlatformsНовикова Алина Дмитриевна; Novikova Alina Dmitrievna
2023Optimization of the Budgeting Information System in the Biosystem CompanyШутова Дарья; Sutova Dara
2020Project development of electronic documentation management implementation in the RW Oil companyРизакулиева Анна Тимуровна; Rizakulieva Anna Timurovna
2021Requirements development for knowledge management products choice recommendation systemШлайкова Елена; Slajkova Elena