Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Шорина Любовь Валентиновна

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2024Means rendering deontic modality in the English-language political discourse and ways of their translation into RussianЕсенеева Амина Хаджимуратовна; Eseneeva Amina Hadzimuratovna
2024The problem of pragmatic adaptation in audiovisual translation of a gangster film into Russian (on the material of а British crime TV series "Peaky Blinders")Саламова Наиля Натиговна; Salamova Naila Natigovna
2024The problem of translation of informal vocabulary and slang in the novel "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran FoerКузнецова Александра Андреевна; Kuznecova Aleksandra Andreevna
2024Specific features of translation of legal vocabulary from English to Russian (based on the novels by E.S. Gardner)Нагель Виктория Николаевна; Nagel Viktoria Nikolaevna