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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The activities of American insurance companies in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuriesПостникова Елена Вадимовна; Postnikova Elena
2017American-Chinese Relations in 2012–2016 period: problems and prospectsЕрасова Анастасия Андреевна; Erasova Anastasia
2016ASEAN in the US policy of the 21st centuryСиркина Валерия Сергеевна; Sirkina Valeriia
2022The Black Lives Matter Movement as a Phenomenon of Social and Political Life in the USA in 2013-2021Храмов Илья Юрьевич; Hramov Ila Urevic
2023China's Economic Diplomacy as a Source of Tension in Contemporary US-China RelationsНазаров Александр Евгеньевич; Nazarov Aleksandr Evgenevic
2017China's policy towards North Korea under Xi JinpingЦзинь Син; Jin Xing
2016The Chinese-Taiwan relationship after Ma Ying-jeou's ascension to powerУварова Елизавета Павловна; Uvarova Elizaveta
2017A comparative analysis of the foreign policy discourses of Russia and the United States from 2012 to 2016Козин Даниил Сергеевич; Kozin Daniil
2017Contemporary US policy toward TaiwanВасильев Дмитрий Павлович; Vasilyev Dmitry
2018The doctrinal aspect of American policy towards the USSR and the Russian Federation in the 20-21 centuriesКабардин Максим Сергеевич; Kabardin Maxim
2022Domestic policy factors in the US foreign policy under the Donald Trump administrationСадыков Денислам Ильшатович; Sadykov Denislam Ilsatovic
2019The evolution of ASEAN countries' positions towards Russia after 2014Некрасова Кира Андреевна; Nekrasova Kira Andreevna
2024Features of the formation of new alliances in the Asia-Pacific region in the 21st centuryУшатова Елизавета Максимовна; Usatova Elizaveta Maksimovna
2020Foreign media as a tool of modern public diplomacy of the PRCТитова Диана Павловна; Titova Diana Pavlovna
2020The foreign media coverage of the PRC's current ethnic policyЛукашова Виктория Алексеевна; Lukasova Viktoria Alekseevna
2017France-United States relations during Barack Obama’s presidencyМинина Дарья Александровна; Minina Daria
2019Gender factor in the modern U.S. policyБелик Карина Константиновна; Belik Karina Konstantinovna
2024Hydrogen energy sector of the PRC and its international prospectsСуслова Ирина Вадимовна; Suslova Irina Vadimovna
2019The image of China in the American cultureМихайлова Татьяна Александровна; Mihajlova Tatana Aleksandrovna
2016Main urban development trends in the U.S. (San Francisco's case)Гайфуллина Алина Айдаровна; Gaifullina Alina