Browsing by Author Хруненкова Анна Валентиновна

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Denominations of persons — causators of high spirits in Modern RussianХу Янисинь; Hu Yangyixin
2017Functional semantics of Russian prefixed verbs (prefixes в-(во), за-, по-)Чжан Шуньюй; Zhang Shunyu
2017Functional semantics of the antonymo-synonymic unit "худой – толстый" ("thin – fat") in Modern RussianБен Мхамед Низар; BEN M'HAMED NIZAR
2017Functional semantics of the Russian phraseological units with the component "дело" (against the background of the Chinese language)Цю Сюеин; Qiu Xueying
2017Functional semantics of the Russian verbs with the meaning "to live a nomadic life"Канаева Ксения Валерьевна; Kanaeva Kseniia
2016The functioning of affectionate nouns in unofficial communicationЧу Цы; Chu Ci
2017The intonation and syntax patterns of shifting to a new topic in news TV and radio programmes: The functional aspectДун Чжожань; Dong Zhuoran
2018Lexical semantic group of verbs of psychic activity in advertising textsЮй Синь; Yu Xin
2018Lexical specific features of man’s and woman’s speech in the situation of family communication: A case study of modern Russian serialsВан Сяомэн; Wang Xiaomeng
2018Lexical thematic group ‘Charity’ in modern Russian: Evidence from associative experimentСюэ Явэнь; Xue Yawen
2017Lexico-semantic denomination of human good looks in Modern Russian (against the background of Chinese)Чжан Юйцзе; Zhang Yujie
2017The lexico-semantic group of Modern Russian verbs denoting bringing a person to some emotional stateНикитина Ирина Владимировна; Nikitina Irina
2024Nouns with the meaning “speech interaction” in modern Russian: functional-semantic and stylistic aspectsХуан Цзыцинхэ; Huan Czycinhe
2024Russian common similes with demonological component that characterize the person's appearance (the linguocultural aspect)Каширина Анна Борисовна; Kasirina Anna Borisovna
2018Russian fixed comparisons characterizing moral and professional qualities of man (in contrast to Chinese): Linguo-cultural aspectЧжан Сюаньжуй; Zhang Xuanrui
2018Russian fixed comparisons denoting physiological condition of man in contrast to Korean: Linguo-cultural aspectКим Чжаехиеок; KIM JAEHYEOK
2024Russian phraseological units nominating positively assessed human qualities: linguocultural aspect (against the background of the Chinese language)У Цзини; U Czini