Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Хронопуло Лиала Юрьевна

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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
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2024Christian motifs in the works of Ayako Miura: A case study of "Freezing Point"Гимазова Айрина Робертовна; Gimazova Ajrina Robertovna
2017Chukan bungaku («middlebrow literature») as part of the contemporary Japanese literary practiceШапка Яна Максимовна; Shapka Yana
2021The concept of travel as reflected in the popular culture of modern Japan: The late 20th century and early 21st centuriesМалинин Антон Алексеевич; Malinin Anton Alekseevic
2017The emergence and evolution of Japanese science fiction in the 1960s–1990s: From «hard» science fiction to cyberpunkХорошунов Александр Сергеевич; Khoroshunov Oleksandr
2017Historical detective fiction as part of writings by Fujisawa ShuheiЕлавкова Нина Сергеевна; Elavkova Nina
2021The history and image of railways in Japanese society in the 20th and 21st centuriesЗанина Валерия Владимировна; Zanina Valeria Vladimirovna
2023The impact of the principles of the mid-19th century French Symbolism on the literary style of Chuya NakaharaЯскажук Мария Константиновна; Askazuk Maria Konstantinovna
2017Japanese anti-war literature of the first half of the 20th centuryВолков Николай Николаевич; Volkov Nikolai
2021Kawakami Hiromi's approach to literary writing: Evidence from the works of 1994 - 2014Космакова Ирина Алексеевна; Kosmakova Irina Alekseevna
2021Phraseological units with colour components in Japanese, Russian, and English: A semantic analysisЕрмолина Ольга Ильинична; Ermolina Olga Ilinicna
2024Violence and its depiction in contemporary South Korean literatureБаконина Елизавета Андреевна; Bakonina Elizaveta Andreevna