Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Фокин Владимир Иванович

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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The activities of international humanitarian organizations in the countries of North-East AfricaКарпенко Людмила Викторовна; Karpenko Liudmila
2020The activities of UNESCO and the government of the People's Republic of China in protecting cultural heritage in the early 21st centuryДу Цзинюань; Du Czinuan
2019Blockchain technology: Its appearance, potential for application, and prospects for useКузьмин Кирилл Иванович; Kuzmin Kirill Ivanovic
2017Cultural integration of immigrants: A case study of the French RepublicРоманова Валерия Игоревна; Romanova Valeriya
2017Current issues in the immigration policy of the French RepublicЛеонова Дарья Николаевна; Leonova Daria
2018International cultural ties of the PRC in the framework of BRICSГао Вэньцзин; Gao Wenjing
reviewSV_Vinogradova_A_D__rec_2.bmp.jpg2017Modern information policy of China in the context of Russia–China relationsВиноградова Анна Дмитриевна; Vinogradova Anna
2018The phenomenon of Puerto Rican statehood: Formation and development of the political system of the 'Free state of Puerto Rico (1952-2017)Гречина Ксения Михайловна; Grechina Ksenia
2018Problems of regional integration in Latin America: A case study of MERCOSURЕрмоленко Артем Александрович; Ermolenko Artem
2020The role of media in British multicultural society in the 21st centuryТодрик Полина Алексеевна; Todrik Polina Alekseevna
2019The role of the British Council in the current foreign policy of Great BritainЛозоватор Полина Евгеньевна; Lozovator Polina Evgenevna
reviewSV_Danilov_V_D__rec_2.bmp.jpg2017Sino-Russian cultural cooperation within the framework of the Silk Road Economic BeltДанилов Властислав Дмитриевич; Danilov Vlastislav
2018Social policies of the Federal Republic of Germany in the framework of the European Union's policiesЦаава Алиса Кобаевна; Tsaava Alisa
2018Sports ethics in the activities of FIFA at the current stageХуснутдинов Марат Рустамович; Khusnutdinov Marat
2020The world community response to the cooperation of Russia and Germany within the Nord Stream 2 projectПоснякова Анна Алексеевна; Posnakova Anna Alekseevna