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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The activities of St.Petersburg companies in ChinaПушкин Артем Алексеевич; Puskin Artem Alekseevic
2021The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a model of integration in the Asia-Pacific RegionЧжан Юэ; Czan Ue
2017China and the US security policy in the Asia-Pacific region: Assessment of the  American public, political and expert communityСаенко Екатерина Павловна; Saenko Ekaterina
reviewSV_Rec_CHzhan_SHui_2.jpg.jpg2018China's foreign policy on the South China sea issue: At the historical and contemporary stagesЧжан Шуи; Zhang Shuyi
2020China's policy for the internationalisation of the education systemЯночкина Анастасия Александровна; Anockina Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2019Chinese cooperation with Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union in the framework of the Silk Road Economic BeltМартынова Дарья Андреевна; Martynova Dara Andreevna
reviewSV_Baranov_K_P__sogl.jpg.jpg2017Chinese military modernization as a factor in Sino–Japanese relations (2002–2017)Баранов Кирилл Павлович; Baranov Kirill
2017Comparative analysis of two mega-projects Trans-Pacific Partnership and One Belt, One Road. Challenges and prospectsБаутдинова Юлия Максимовна; Bautdinova Iuliia
2016The Cyprus question in the US policyКусанова Ольга Михайловна; Kusanova Olga
2020The evolution of Russia’s image in JapanСладких Иван Александрович; Sladkih Ivan Aleksandrovic
2019The evolution of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and China in 2014-2019Орлова Мария Николаевна; Orlova Maria Nikolaevna
reviewSV_Izobrazhenie_011.jpg.jpg2018Factors of Hybrid Warfare in Nagorno-Karabakh ConflictМусаев Тогрул Шахин Оглы; Musayev Toghrul
2021The Great Recession's Impact on the Party System of the Republic of IrelandАсланов Ильяс Васифович; Aslanov Ilas Vasifovic
2017The impact of Germany’s foreign policy interests and values on the development of modern Germany–Russia relations (2012–2016)Румянцева Валерия Алексеевна; Rumiantseva Valeriia
2021The impact of the trade war between the United States and the People's Republic of China on the economy of the Socialist Republic of VietnamСоболева Кристина Игоревна; Soboleva Kristina Igorevna
2020The impact of the Ukrainian crisis 2014 on Russian-German relationsМаренкова Наталья Сергеевна; Marenkova Natala Sergeevna
2018The influence of foreign policy factors on the crisis of democratic republics in Germany and Austria in 1920-1930Савин Михаил Борисович; Savin Mikhail
2024Influence of the political factor on the economic relations of Germany and ChinaСкрябина Алёна Сергеевна; Skrabina Alena Sergeevna
2017Japan's policy towards Russia in the context of their territorial disputeМисюркеева Анастасия Павловна; Misiurkeeva Anastasiia
2020Japan's policy towards the DPRK and the Republic of Korea in the international context of the Asia-Pacific regionИванова Дарья Сергеевна; Ivanova Dara Sergeevna