Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Талимончик Валентина Петровна

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Результаты 1 по 10 из 10
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Big Data as an object of international legal regulationОглина Кристина; Oglina Kristina
2017Dispute resolution in WIPO: Internet domain name disputes and domain name rightsОвчинникова Евгения Александровна; Ovchinnikova Evgeniya
2021Features of the formation of the intellectual property protection system in the Eurasian Economic UnionЗамула Дарья Владимировна; Zamula Dara Vladimirovna
2019International cooperation in the sphere of protection of intellectual property rights to softwareКаменский Игорь Андреевич; Kamenskij Igor Andreevic
2019International legal protection of consumers' rights in e-commerceРева Алёна Александровна; Reva Alena Aleksandrovna
2018International protection of copyright in broadcastingШилова Елизавета Андреевна; Shilova Elizaveta
2021Legal consequences of the adoption of acts on personal data protection by the European Union for foreign legal entitiesОрлова Мария Николаевна; Orlova Maria Nikolaevna
2017Legal regulation of international commercial arbitration in the People’s Republic of ChinaВан Тяньи; Wang Tianyi
2021Problems of protection against defamation in international private lawБажанова Ксения Алексеевна; Bazanova Ksenia Alekseevna
2017The role of international treaties on mutual protection of capital investments in the minimisation of investment risksСамусенко Анастасия Андреевна; Samusenko Anastasiia