Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Суслова Екатерина Геннадьевна

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Результаты 1 по 5 из 5
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2023Development of speaking skills when teaching German in a distance formatЛободина Наталия Вячеславовна; Lobodina Natalia Vaceslavovna
2021Lexical and stylistic distinct features in translations of the author-coined neologies from Russian into German (based on W. Sorokin’s novel “Blue Lard”)Степенкова Таисия Вячеславовна; Stepenkova Taisia Vaceslavovna
2023Lexical and stylistic means of creating a literary portrait: A case study of Stefan Zweig’s cycle of historical novels "Decisive Moments in History" and its translation into RussianАрхипова Алиса Александровна; Arhipova Alisa Aleksandrovna
reviewSV_Suslova_E_G_.jpg.jpg2017Linguistic means of conveying national and historical colours in the German translations of Nikolai Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"Тимофеева Александра Владимировна; Timofeeva Aleksandra
2022Use of translation transformations in the German translation of Olga Forsh´s novel "The Lunatic Ship"/"Russisches Narrenschiff"Илич Злата Обрен; Ilic Zlata Obren