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Результаты 1 по 16 из 16
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Analysis of text emotional colouring: A case study of YouTube commentsБабелюк Федор Сергеевич; Babeluk Fedor Sergeevic
2023Characteristics of ”holiness” in the Russian language from the perspective of linguistic culture: A case study of Archimandrite Tikhon’s collection “Everyday Saints”Чан Цзе; Can Cze
2018Contextual synonyms in the lexical set 'Nature' in the lyric poetry by S. Esenin: Lexicfal semantic aspectЛи Пэйвэнь; LI PEIWEN
2023Emotional evaluative vocabulary and emotional expressive phrases in contemporary Russian cinema: A case study of the films "The Last Knigh" and "The Little Humpbacked Horse"Лю Цзяци; Lu Czaci
2021Functional semantics and the linguistic functions of hashtags in Russian Internet-discourseЦзя Цзыци; Cza Czyci
2017Lexical means of expressing intrafamilial relations as illustrated by the 20th century Russian playsЛуань Цзяли; Luan Jiali
2018Lexical semantic group 'Pets' in advertising texts: Linguo-cultural aspectЧжан Цзяхао; ZHANG JIAHAO
2017The lexico-semantic field "Болезнь" ("Illness") in Russian (against the background of the Chinese language): The functional semantic aspectЧжу Хуэй; Zhu Hui
2018Linguistic-stylistic resources of Soviet posters of the 1920'sЯнь Цзин; Yan Jing
2023Phraseological units with the component "zoonym" in Russian (against the background of Persian)Керамати Фарназ; Keramati Farnaz
2022Precedence and intertextuality in Russian cinema text: A case study of Eldar Ryazanov’s films and their remakesЛи Цзяцзе; Li Czacze
2022Problems of intercultural communication in the book by A. Chekhov "Sakhalin Island"Сивоха Екатерина Дмитриевна; Sivoha Ekaterina Dmitrievna
2017A structural semantic analysis of verbal-nominal phrases describing attitude to a person and interpersonal communication: The linguodidactic aspectЖань Гэнин; Ran Gening
2023Terminology of the digital economy in modern Russian language: Terminological structure aspectЦзя Ваньци; Cza Vanci
2017Verbalisation of the notion "грусть" ("sorrow") in the Russian literature: Evidence from the works of Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, and Anton ChekhovЧжан Найюэ; Zhang Naiyue
2023Verbs of imagination and supposition: Functional and semantic aspect (against the background of the Italian language)Фосса Габриэль Карло; Fossa Gabriel Karlo