Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Рысакова Полина Игоревна

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Результаты 1 по 17 из 17
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022China's Arctic strategy: 1990 - 2020Никитина Дарья Александровна; Nikitina Dara Aleksandrovna
2021China's green development: A new stage of reforms in Chinese rural areasАнаньева Арина Андреевна; Ananeva Arina Andreevna
2017The development of a marketing strategy for the city of Sochi targeted at tourists from ChinaОвинникова Юлия Витальевна; Ovinnikova Iuliia
2022Environmental campaigns in the People's Republic of ChinaГригорук Ольга Владимировна; Grigoruk Olga Vladimirovna
2017The management of a full-service tourism enterprise with a focus on inbound tourism from ChinaБутюков Константин Андреевич; Butiukov Konstantin
2017The management of inbound tourism from China: The case of St.PetersburgКалашников Вилли Дмитриевич; Kalashnikov Villi
2021The pension system in the context of current trends in modern ChinaРубцова Дарья Константиновна; Rubcova Dara Konstantinovna
2022The population control policy in China: 1979 - 2015Григорьева Надежда Викторовна; Grigoreva Nadezda Viktorovna
2017The potential of the Ural region as a destination for Chinese tourists: Analysis and assessmentХарисова Гульназ Айдаровна; Kharisova Gulnaz
2021The problem of meritocracy and democracy as reflected in the political discourse of modern ChinaГуров Денис Вадимович; Gurov Denis Vadimovic
2017The promotion of China as a tourist destination for the Russian marketЛяпина Ксения Игоревна; Lyapina Ksenia
2017Russia's specialised tourism product aimed at Chinese visitorsСлепкова Анна Андреевна; Slepkova Anna
2016Social welfare policy of the People's Republic of China in the 1990-2010sБугаева Дарья Александровна; Bugaeva Daria
2021Taiwan: A possession of the Qing EmpireДоронкина Юлия Владимировна; Doronkina Ulia Vladimirovna
2017Tourism as a factor of economic growth in ChinaГазизова Элина Радиковна; Gazizova Elina
2016Tourism development in the Yunnan Province of China and its impact on the local cultureВласова Валерия Евгеньевна; Vlasova Valeriya
2021Transformation of the intellectual class in China between 1978 and 2012Сабелкис Мария Денисовна; Sabelkis Maria Denisovna