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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021China's use of new information and communication technologies in combating the coronavirusЛю Ци; Lu Ci
2021Chinese mass media and public relations: areas of interactionЦю Цзяхао; Cu Czahao
2020The communication aspects of tourism development in China’s Belt and Road megaprojectВэй Цзэи; Vej Czei
2017The coverage of international energy conflicts in the Russian mass mediaСквирский Никита Вениаминович; Skvirskiy Nikita
2020The coverage of the Hong Kong special administrative region by the media of mainland China and Russia in the context of the one country, two systems policyГо Цзюньи; Go Czuni
2020The coverage of the USSR-China relations in Chinese mass media in 1949-1991Лю Боэнь; Lu Boen
2017Cultural factors in China–Russia relationsЯн Юэ; Yang Yue
2020The evolution of the global public image of contemporary ChinaЧан Чжихао; Can Czihao
2019Image of China in the media of the USA, Russia and IndiaДун Чжэньвэй; Dun Czenvej
2020The impact of new media on China's international imageСя Цзи; Sa Czi
2021The impact of political discourse on the formation of China's national imageЦзюй Диньюй; Czuj Dinuj
2019The influence of Russian and Chinese media on the relationship between Russia and ChinaВу Ниян; Vu Nian
2021The influence of the mass media on international relations during the coronavirus epidemic in 2019-2020Фань Гэнюань; Fan Genuan
2017The influence of the Russian IT-community on the country's international imageДмитриев Владимир Александрович; Dmitriev Vladimir
2020PR in nuclear power fieldМарданшина Ольга Александровна; Mardansina Olga Aleksandrovna
2021Public diplomacy and public relations in the context of internationalisation, as illustrated by Russian-Chinese relationsЛи Хаодун; Li Haodun
2021Public relations in the diplomacy of contemporary ChinaВан Цзинвэнь; Van Czinven
2020The relations between the government and citizens in China and the creation of the image of the state: a case study of the Belt and Road InitiativeЖэнь Юйцянь; Zen Ujcan
2020The role of KOL - marketing in brand promotion: a case study of Chinese social networksСюэ Явэнь; Sue Aven
2020The role of new media in creating the image of the Chinese governmentЛи Лици; Li Lici