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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
reviewSV_Recenziya_Podxvatov.jpg.jpg20173D visualisation of simplified ship hull modelПодхватов Никита Владимирович; Podkhvatov Nikita
2021Application of machine learning methods in the problem of aggregating news articlesЦимбалов Андрей Евгеньевич; Cimbalov Andrej Evgenevic
2016Application of specialised string and containers library in development of elements of graphic user interface of the systemОрехов Михаил Юрьевич
2017Applying machine learning methods in natural language processingГолованов Егор Олегович; Golovanov Egor
2019Automated generation of handwritten textsКудринская Ксения Вадимовна; Kudrinskaa Ksenia Vadimovna
2019Biometric human identificationКисляков Владислав Сергеевич; Kislakov Vladislav Sergeevic
2017Creating depth map from stereo pair imagesПенкрат Андрей Олегович; Penkrat Andrei
2018Creation of terrain reliefs map using satellite images on the Android platformСурков Никандр Максимович; Surkov Nikandr
2021Deformation calculation of flat orthotropic plate by the superposition methodБабенышев Сергей Станиславович; Babenysev Sergej Stanislavovic
2020Detection of the subtitles in the video streamПлешканов Никита Вячеславович; Pleskanov Nikita Vaceslavovic
2017Development of mathematical text recognition methodsАвдеева Анастасия Сергеевна; Avdeeva Anastasia
reviewSV_Recenziya_Kislyakov.jpg.jpg2017Informational system of identifying material based on its spectrum dataКисляков Владислав Сергеевич; Kisliakov Vladislav
2018Method of analytical decomposition in calculations of an elastic body with inclusion in the form of a rectangleКоролёв Константин Юрьевич; Korolev Konstantin
2019Method of identifying a person by voiceКостыренко Виталий Сергеевич; Kostyrenko Vitalij Sergeevic
2020Methods of detecting fake newsШергин Тимур Олегович; Sergin Timur Olegovic
2020Methods of optical character recognition based on neural networkЕфимов Анатолий Алексеевич; Efimov Anatolij Alekseevic
2020Methods of satisfying the boundary conditions in the flat rectangular deformation problemКочетова Елена Николаевна; Kocetova Elena Nikolaevna
2017Modelling clamped plate bending by method of initial functionsСуратов Владислав Алексеевич; Suratov Vladislav
2019Modelling terrain relief by satellite imagesРощупкина Снежанна Николаевна; Rosupkina Snezanna Nikolaevna
2020Segmentation of objects of interest in a video streamМитрофанов Егор Владимирович; Mitrofanov Egor Vladimirovic