Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Камышанская Ирина Григорьевна

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Результаты 1 по 8 из 8
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Assessment of patient radiation dose for digital colonography with contrast materialРозова Валерия Александровна; Rozova Valeria Aleksandrovna
2018Changes in the magnetic resonance pattern of HIV-associated neurotoxoplasmosis in the background of etiotropic therapyДанилов Всеволод Вячеславович; Danilov Vsevolod
2019Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of digital linear tomography in multidisciplinary hospitalsБорискина Алена Николаевна; Boriskina Alena Nikolaevna
reviewSV_2_skan_otzyva_na_Ivaskina.jpeg.jpeg.jpg2023Comparative indicators of sarcopenia in patients with and without cancer according to computed tomography of the chest cavityИвашкин Дмитрий Иванович; Ivaskin Dmitrij Ivanovic
2016Development of low-dose X-ray method of lung examination in patients with singular pulmonary nodule syndromeПойда Михаил Дмитриевич; Poyda Mikhail
2016Estimation of radiation exposure doses in patients undergoing X-ray examination of the upper gastrointestinal tractЗинкевич Ксения Вадимовна; Zinkevich Kseniia
reviewSV_Otzyv.jpg.jpg2017Evaluation of different imaging modalities for preventive chest screeningКаростик Денис Владимирович; Karostik Denis
reviewSV_2_skan_ozyva_na_Belaevu_T.jpeg.jpg2023Possibilities of digital radiography in the quantitative assessment of bone fracture unionБеляева Тамара Вячеславовна; Belaeva Tamara Vaceslavovna