Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Казанцев Анатолий Константинович

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Business process reengineering of warehouse operations: A case study of the Dialog logistics companyГулина Валерия Юрьевна; Gulina Valeriia
2021Development of warehousing activities in order to provide materials for Etalon company group construction sitesРыбнов Алексей Евгеньевич; Rybnov Aleksej Evgenevic
2022Economic Development Factors Measurement and Comparative Analysis of Air CarriersГоршунов Александр Дмитриевич; Gorsunov Aleksandr Dmitrievic
2018Elaboration of Integrated Performance Measure for JCS MetcomСлащук Илья Олегович; Slashchuk Ilya
2020Estimation and comparative analysis of technical efficiency of territorial grid companies from PJSC "RusHydro" and PJSC "Rosseti"Митин Никита Владимирович; Mitin Nikita Vladimirovic
2020Evaluation of airline companies' innovational activity as a factor of its' economical developmentГуркова Марина Дмитриевна; Gurkova Marina Dmitrievna
2016Evaluation of internationalization of logistics companies and its impact on key performance indicatorsБарковский Дмитрий Станиславович; Barkovskiy Dmitry
2021Identification of directions for mastering the restaurant's performance on the basis of technical efficiency measurementsСоловьева Екатерина Александровна; Soloveva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
2022Identifying and Improving Supply Chain Business Processes at UnileverКаминский Семен Сергеевич; Kaminskij Semen Sergeevic
2017The improvement of inventory management for CapitalStroyКустова Алина Игоревна; Kustova Alina
2018Improvement of the Logistics of Import Container Cargo Delivery in the DZT Logistic CompanyКурбан Евгений Александрович; Kurban Evgenii
2021Improvement of the management practices of warehouse activities in UnileverФишер Софья Эдуардовна; Fiser Sofa Eduardovna
2018Improvement of the Planning System for Operating Activities in the Transport Company “Petrov Trans”Петрова Анна Игоревна; Petrova Anna
2021Improvement of the sales management process of logistics services in Sea Lines companyТомашевская Дарья Викторовна; Tomasevskaa Dara Viktorovna
2018Improvement of Transport Logistics in Unilever RusПетруненков Никита Максимович; Petrunenkov Nikita
2021Improvement of transport navigation for "Unilever"Ренжин Даниил Алексеевич; Renzin Daniil Alekseevic
2023Improvement of Warehouse and Transport Business Processes of Logistics in "AsstrA" CompanyЗюряев Андрей Александрович; Zuraev Andrej Aleksandrovic
2017Improvements of methods for railway transportation planning within the multimodal cargo traffic system of Russian Railways, OJSCСаханова Мария Антоновна; Sakhanova Mariia
2020Improving the management of regional consolidated deliveries of General Cargo Limited Liability CompanyЖуравлёв Никита Алексеевич; Zuravlev Nikita Alekseevic
2023Improving the Operational Efficiency of Yandex.Delivery on the Example of Sosnoviy BorУльянова Мария Дмитриевна; Ulanova Maria Dmitrievna