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Результаты 1 по 11 из 11
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2021Analytical predicate models with the verbs ‘dar’ and ‘tener’: A psycholinguistic aspectКосикова Алиса Вадимовна; Kosikova Alisa Vadimovna
2017Characteristics of the tourism and hotel business terminology in SpanishЖоссан Алиса Сергеевна; Zhossan Alisa
2018Chronological adaptation of Spanish Middle Age text: A case study of “El Conde Lucanor” by Juan ManuelОбухова Ксения Сергеевна; Obukhova Kseniia
2021Culturally determined connotations of phytoonyms in the Spanish language picture of the worldЛуговая Софья Ивановна; Lugovaa Sofa Ivanovna
2017The functioning of Spanish in the Internet space: Characteristics of lexis and styleСтанецкая Ирина; Stanetskaya Irina
2022The piropo genre as a sociolinguistic phenomenon in the Hispanic worldКоломеер Маргарита Александровна; Kolomeer Margarita Aleksandrovna
2022Portrayal of women in Spanish epigramsВихарева Лидия Александровна; Vihareva Lidia Aleksandrovna
2022The pros and cons of transformations in translation of the novel "The Holy Innocents" by Miguel DelibesРевуцкая Елена Андреевна; Revuckaa Elena Andreevna
2017Representation of the "machismo" concept in Gabriel García Márquez's "No One Writes to the Colonel", "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" and "Memories of My Melancholy Whores" and their Russian translationsМатросова Майя Сергеевна; Matrosova Maiia
2023Russian poetry of the 20th century in Spanish translationsПевченко Алевтина Геннадьевна; Pevcenko Alevtina Gennadevna
2018Specific features of the translation of Russian folk tales into the SpanishКротенко Надежда Игоревна; Krotenko Nadezda