Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Дракулич-Прийма Драгана

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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Soglasie_Drakulich_Perich_Kristina.JPG.jpg2018Context realization of Serbian proverbs with abstract nouns in the InternetПерич Кристина; Peric Kristina
2023Intercomprehension in the Slavic world: Opportunities and limitationsНиконов Никита Олегович; Nikonov Nikita Olegovic
2018Non-verbal communication in conversation: A case study of the contemporary playwritingСтанишич Георгина; Stanisic Georgina
2018Opposition "work - idleness" in Russian proverbs ( in contrast to Serbian): Linguo-cultural aspectМладенович Майя; Mladenovic Maja
2017Russian phraseological units with the component "язык" against the background of Serbian: The linguocultural aspectОгненович Милена; Ognjenovic Milena
2018Strategies of expressing consent and refusal in modern Russian (in contrast to Serbian)Корач Мирьяна; Korac Mirjana