Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Грибанова Галина Исааковна

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Результаты 1 по 15 из 15
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018A balance between the British and European identity in modern Great BritainАкопян Светлана Самвеловна; Akopian Svetlana
2023The evolution of patriotic education in the Russian Federation school systemПопов Матвей Николаевич; Popov Matvej Nikolaevic
2017Geopolitical competition of global actors in Central Asian countriesПисарук Владислав Олегович; Pisaruk Vladislav
2020The geopolitical strategies of the USA-China-Russia-Japan quadrangle for the reunification of the Korean peninsulaЦао Хуэйлинь; Cao Huejlin
2017The image of Russia in Western media: A case of the Syrian crisisСулейманова Элина Игоревна; Suleimanova Elina
2017Implementation of "The strategy of state national policy of the Russian Federation until 2025" in the subjects of the Russian Federation: A case study of St PetersburgМалахиева Ольга Модестовна; Malakhieva Olga
2017Informantion support in healthcare system reforms in the USA and the Russian Federation: Comparative analysisПугач Альбина Валериевна; Pugach Albina
2017International cooperation in conservation of strategic sourses of fresh water as a key factor of environmental policyСмоляков Александр Николаевич; Smoliakov Aleksandr
2023Language policy in the post-soviet space: the Russian language factorАбдуллаева Озода Улугбек кизи; Abdullaeva Ozoda Ulugbek kizi
2023Management through influence: new technologies and tools of «soft power»Тищенко Софья Павловна; Tisenko Sofa Pavlovna
2020The problem of countering terrorism in a liberal democracy (the case of the EU countries)Каменских Анна Николаевна; Kamenskih Anna Nikolaevna
2020The problem of the modern state counterterrorism efficiency (the case of Northern Ireland)Дыбкина Анастасия Николаевна; Dybkina Anastasia Nikolaevna
2022The problems of interaction between European and Muslim civilizations in the context of global migration (on the example of Germany)Борисов Алексей Юрьевич; Borisov Aleksej Urevic
2023Problems of separatism in the Balkans in the 21st century: a case study of Serbian and Croatian self-determination in Bosnia and HerzegovinaИванов Дмитрий Викторович; Ivanov Dmitrij Viktorovic
2023Unrecognized states of the post-Soviet space as a sphere of conflict of interests of Russia and the United StatesРассохина Екатерина Григорьевна; Rassohina Ekaterina Grigorevna