Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Городов Олег Александрович

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Результаты 1 по 19 из 19
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the oil and gas industry in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of ChinaШмигельская Надежда Александровна; Shmigelskaia Nadezhda
2021Comparative legal study of the legal regulation of cryptocurrency exchangesКонстантинов Александр Родионович; Konstantinov Aleksandr Rodionovic
2016Film production as a business activityЗаруба Анна Олеговна; Zaruba Anna
2017Gas supply contract in the Russian FederationРашкова Наталья; Rascova Natalia
2021Legal aspects of the protection of information constituting an audit secretЗабаринский Георгий Владимирович; Zabarinskij Georgij Vladimirovic
2016Legal consequences of a power supply contract in the case of change of ownership of the power supply objectМихеева Ульяна Юрьевна; Mikheeva Uliana
2017Legal protection and use of musical works on the InternetМоскалев Григорий Андреевич; Moskalev Grigorii
2022Legal regulation of bankruptcy of non-bank credit organizationsЛесных Владимир Андреевич; Lesnyh Vladimir Andreevic
2019Legal regulation of export gas suppliesПанов Никита Алексеевич; Panov Nikita Alekseevic
2018Legal Regulation of the grid connection procedureДемина Ирина Александровна; Demina Irina
2016The legal status of the subjects of retail electricity marketsАкимова Арина Сергеевна; Akimova Arina
2017Oil supply contract in the Russian FederationТоктиева Ферангис Ринатовна; Toktieva Ferangis
2019Problems of introducing limitations on electricity consumption for certain group of consumersКутельникова Екатерина Юрьевна; Kutelnikova Ekaterina Urevna
2018Problems of legal regulation of commercial concessions in the Russian FederationМедведева Виктория Александровна; Medvedeva Victoria
2019Problems of Smart Contract technology in business activitiesЕндресяк Антон Андреевич; Endresak Anton Andreevic
2021The procedure of mediation in entrepreneurial cases in Russia and abroadБогданова Дарья Алексеевна; Bogdanova Dara Alekseevna
2018Protection of intellectual rights to computer programmes and databasesГригоренко Дарья Сергеевна; Grigorenko Daria
2018The system of constructual relations in sphere of gas supply in the Russian FederationСоснина Елена Юрьевна; Sosnina Elena
2016The use of alternative energy sources in entrepreneurial activityГолод Татьяна Андреевна; Golod Tatiana