Browsing by Author Герасимов Игорь Вячеславович

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Advertising campaigns in the service and commodity market of present-day SudanКабанова Виктория Васильевна; Kabanova Victoria
2023The Afghan diaspora in St Petersburg: History, activities, structureБезродная Валерия Сергеевна; Bezrodnaa Valeria Sergeevna
2022Arabic loanwords in Uzbek language in the field of education and mediaАбдугафуров Абдулмаликхужа Абдулхамидхужа угли; Abdugafurov Abdulmalikhuza Abdulhamidhuza ugli
2021The Arabic medical treatise of Kitāb ‘al-mi’a fi ‘al-ṭibb (A hundred books on medicine) by Abu Sahl Isa b. Yahya al-Masihi from the collection of St. Petersburg State UniversityАкель Ясер Хишамович; Akel Aser Hisamovic
2017Catering in tourism: A case study of EgyptЛитвинов Александр Юрьевич; Litvinov Aleksandr
2021Concept "Demonism" in the context of the Arab Islamic cultureАлифатдаева Аида Рамиалиевна; Alifatdaeva Aida Ramialievna
2017The concept and practice of Political Islam in the 20th century MoroccoГрановский Герман Аркадьевич; Granovskii German
2017The current state of higher education in SudanЕмельянова Татьяна Анатольевна; Emelyanova Tatyana
2021The current state of the armed forces in Indonesia: Future prospects and development of military-technical cooperation with the Russian FederationТравкин Павел Сергеевич; Travkin Pavel Sergeevic
2017The development of monarchic institutions in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the turn of the 21st centuryГриценко Ирина Евгеньевна; Gritcenko Irina
reviewSV_Otzyv_Davidovic.jpg.jpg2022Electional astrology in Arab-Muslim medieval mystical practicesДавидович Яна Ильинична; Davidovic Ana Ilinicna
2023The exploration of the African interior by Arab travellers and merchants between the 10th and the 19th centuriesБителев Савелий Олегович; Bitelev Savelij Olegovic
2017Gender issues in the Islamic contextСеменова Римма Дмитриевна; Semenova Rimma
reviewSV_otzyv-timofeeva.jpg.jpg2018Hausa legends of cities' and states' originТимофеева Юлия Олеговна; Timofeeva Iuliia
2017The Hezbollah group: Late 20th – early 21st centuriesИванов Константин Александрович; Ivanov Konstantin
2017The history of tourism in the Arab countries: The cases of Jordan and the UAEЖамгарян Григорий Ашотович; Zhamgaryan Grigory
2017History of tourism in the Nile ValleyБогданов Даниил Юрьевич; Bogdanov Daniil
reviewSV_soglasie_obrabotku_dannyx.jpeg.jpg2017The impact of the 1920 events on the evolution of the political system in SyriaМатросов Валерий Анатольевич; Matrosov Valeriy
2017The impact of the Arab Spring on the tourism sector in the Syrian Arab RepublicМуллабаев Роман Юрьевич; Mullabaev Roman
2017Islamic banking in the Russian Federation: Development trendsСидоренко Карина Дмитриевна; Sidorenko Karina