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2024Features of Organizational Stress Management at Toyota Motor CorporationСемкин Кирилл; Semkin Kirill
reviewSV_Otzyv_Goncarova_SKAN_2.jpg.jpg2024The Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the Recruitment of Company XГончарова Алина; Goncarova Alina
2023Leadership Style of a Manager as a Factor in Increasing the Extra-Role Behavior of EmployeesТамарова Елизавета Олеговна; Tamarova Elizaveta Olegovna
2024Overcoming Gender-Related Biases in Human Resources in the Information Technology SectorБогдановс Максимс; Bogdanovs Maksims
2020Role of work systems in legitimating organisational decisions about Human ResourcesБордунос Александра Константиновна; Bordunos Aleksandra Konstantinovna
2024Self-Leadership as a Factor in Reducing Emotional Burnout of Employees in a Manufacturing and Commercial CompanyВожжина Анна; Vozzina Anna