Browsing by Author Блондин Владимир Николаевич

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The 1982 Lebanon war as reflected in Israeli cinemaПетухов Василий Андреевич; Petukhov Vasily
2021The analysis of the military-political and confessional confrontation in Yemen in the late 20th and early 21st centuriesПереверзев Кирилл Борисович; Pereverzev Kirill Borisovic
2022Arabic loanwords in Uzbek language in the field of education and mediaАбдугафуров Абдулмаликхужа Абдулхамидхужа угли; Abdugafurov Abdulmalikhuza Abdulhamidhuza ugli
2021Concept "Demonism" in the context of the Arab Islamic cultureАлифатдаева Аида Рамиалиевна; Alifatdaeva Aida Ramialievna
2017Gender issues in the Islamic contextСеменова Римма Дмитриевна; Semenova Rimma
2017The Hezbollah group: Late 20th – early 21st centuriesИванов Константин Александрович; Ivanov Konstantin
2017The history of tourism in the Arab countries: The cases of Jordan and the UAEЖамгарян Григорий Ашотович; Zhamgaryan Grigory
2017History of tourism in the Nile ValleyБогданов Даниил Юрьевич; Bogdanov Daniil
2017Immigrants in Russia: The intercultural aspectПершина Алиса Вячеславовна; Pershina Alisa
2017The impact of the Arab Spring on the tourism sector in the Syrian Arab RepublicМуллабаев Роман Юрьевич; Mullabaev Roman
2017The Kurdish issue through the lense of the USSR's foreign policy in the Middle East in the 1960s–1970sИбрагимов Ибрагим Эминович; Ibragimov Ibragim
2021Reflection of the aesthetic and spiritual distinctness of Islamic graphic art: A case study of Arabic calligraphy in St. Petersburg architecture of the 19th-20th centuries.Лебедянская Мария Владимировна; Lebedanskaa Maria Vladimirovna
2017The tourism industry in Lebanon: From the 1990s to present dayЛедов Денис Григорьевич; Ledov Denis
2016The view of Western and Arabic Mass Media on the Functions of Social Networks Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in the Activity of ISISКабанова Галина Анатольевна; Kabanova Galina
2017Yemeni poetry as a source on modern and contemporary relations between the South Arabian population and the ajanibСлепухина Ольга Павловна; Slepukhina Olga