Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Байчик Анна Витальевна

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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The "anti-Trump" discourse in the US mass mediaКротова Юлия Михайловна; Krotova Iuliia
2018Copyright in the Russian and Estonian Internet segmentsЩербова Арина Андреевна; Shcherbova Arina
2018A doping scandal in the Russian sport of the 2014-2017: Characteristics of coverage in foreign mass mediaДугинова Илона Владимировна; Duginova Ilona
2017Ethical dilemmas in journalism: Discussions in professional communitiesЮркина Альбина Владимировна; Iurkina Albina
2017Feminist discourse in the US media during the presidential campaign of 2016Галашова Екатерина Олеговна; Galashova Ekaterina
2016Gender stereotypes in opinion journalism texts of the Spanish-language mass mediaПопкова Варвара Дмитриевна; Popkova Varvara
2017Mass media as a channel of cultural communication between Russia and ChinaЛи Юаньюань; Li Yuanyuan
2018Mass media as a risk factor in the neurotic disorders development: The foreign experienceКонева Вероника Александровна; Koneva Veronika
2018Modern media landscape of the Republic of VietnamЛе Тхань Ван Ань; Le Thanh Van Anh
2018New media of the USA: The information agenda under the conditions of forms modernisationТолкачев Артем Олегович; Tolkachev Artem
2017A social portrait of Muslim women in contemporary Western and European pressСкорых Наталья; Skorykh Natalia
2018Transformation of gender identity in popular science publications of the USAГаращенко Анастасия Константиновна; Garaschenko Anastasiia
2017Visualisation of the content in popular science mass media of Western Europe and the USAМетакса Александра Глебовна; Metaksa Aleksandra